Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

11 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 !"#$%&'%()*&%+,%-*.,+./&'0* HQHUJ\ HI¯FLHQF\ 12($%($%'+"% Specialized in pipe extrusion lines Energy efficiency criteria is a crucial issue across manufacturing industries. Pipe extrusion is an energy intensive process and optimisation of process energy usage while maintaining melt stability is necessary in order to produce good quality product at low unit cost. At Tecnomatic, since 1977, the idea behind any machine is to design according to performance and productivity principles. The goal to offer to the market the most efficient, economic and competitive solution for pipe production. &%)(*32*&)4 ➠ Reifenhäuser Group www.reifenhauser.com häuser, who is also responsible for deve- loping the components business of the Reifenhäuser Group. "EDS and Reifenhäuser complement one another excellently when it comes to de- sign and production expertise. As an ef- fective team, we will use and expand on our strengths together," says Bernd Reifenhäuser, Chair of the Management Board. "Both companies have a reputa- tion for close and responsible collabora- tion with our customers. This means that customers can avail of the expertise and support that they require." Johannes P. Müller, Managing Director of EDS: "We are proud to now be a part of the Rei- fenhäuser Group. We will combine our strengths and pool our technology and production resources. This, along with a worldwide sales structure for our custo- mers, will considerably increase our abili- ty to perform.“ With this take-over, Reifenhäuser re- mains faithful to its strategy: To ensure its long-term success, the Troisdorf com- pany strives for technological leadership through in-house developments and the acquisition of know-how in market-rele- vant technologies. "This take-over per- fectly complements our existing exper- tise in die production," emphasizes Uwe Gaedike. With the die specialist EDS, Rei- fenhäuser takes a great stride towards its goal of always delivering the best extru- sion process. When it comes to die pro- duction, EDS stands for tailor-made pro- ducts. "Together with the Reifenhäuser production know-how we will develop a strong business for the sale of first-class dies," explains Uwe Gaedike. "With the latest acquisition we continue to move towards our goal of designing and producing core competencies in- house. Besides machine manufacture, we are positioning ourselves as a leading technological component provider for extruders and dies," says Gaedike about Reifenhäuser's strategy. With the new unit, the design know-how for die and film tools will be strengthened signifi- cantly. "The excellence of EDS' work and our common understanding of values were the basis for our decision to enter talks on a future together," Bernd Reifenhäu- ser says about the acquisition. The two companies stand for highest quality, well-trained employees, advanced tech- nologies, and sustainable business mo- dels. "We would like to welcome all the employees from EDS and look forward to collaborating with specialists who are well-known in the industry. Together, we will pick up momentum," says Bernd Reifenhäuser. In addition, Reifenhäuser is strengthening the Troisdorf site and making new investments in the manu- facture of components. The EDS site in Reichshof will be turned into a technolo- gy and service center for dies.