Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

合模及塑化单元在生产中给人深刻印象 BEAKUM的BA25质量是突出的:BA25 设备设计用于非 连续累积式工作,带底部校准和可垂直调节的型坯分离器。 采用现代化的控制和液压系统,因此分离器以非常精确的节 拍循环,实现高效率生产。BA25系统同时还有出色的塑化性 能。BEKUM挤出机使用特殊螺杆几何形状以实现对物料的最 佳的均化作用。节能型交流电机保证了物料在低旋转速度下 温和地熔融。 BEKUM拥有专利的螺旋芯轴分配头技术,能 够实现水桶在360°圆周上都有均匀的壁厚,并具有首屈一指 恒定不变的产品质量。BAKUM这一自主开发的成果几乎消除 了出现产品变薄和流痕的缺陷,保证了水桶水晶般的透明 度,且表面无云纹,这样一来,就生产出了高质量产品。 高效率是至关重要的 高透明PC容器是采用特殊中空成型模具吹制成型的,模 具带有多区域温度控制和磁力快速更换插件,可以带或者不 带把手。BEKUM的BA系列单工位中空成型机实现了无可争 辩的高产量,使用参考牌号的原料生产净重750克的“雀巢5加 仑水设计”无把手容器,每小时产量超过160件。哪怕脱模温 度超过85°C,采用高产量生产并不影响到产品的高稳定性以 及清澈的透明度。 复杂的聚碳酸酯 PC容器在不同国家有着不同的规定。有纯新原料(例如 采用拜尔 Bayer Makrolon, 三菱Mitsubishi Novarex 和其它 高度透明的PC带提手容器在传送带上,定向生产的产品 Highly transparent PC container with handle on conveyor belt for directional article output PC 原料),不同的新原料与回收料混合,以及100%回收料。 制造者知道:当熔融时,聚碳酸酯是一种敏感的物料。这需 要采用特别定制的物料处理系统进行物料干燥和物料上料。 在成型后,冷却的产品物料和飞边非常坚硬,需要相适应的 破碎设备。为了最好地适应对于高性能外围设备的需求, BEKUM基于自己在许多客户那里已安装的项目,根据尝试和 测试的经验,介绍满足高性能要求的合作伙伴。 实用为目标的自动化提升了生产效率 最后一项要点,对于用户而言,要想提高效率,自动化 起着重要的作用。特别是带把手的容器,全自动带导向的去 除飞边是重要的。此外,产品生产线上配备自动去除夹持器 和校准用的旋转工位,可提高操作效率。由于针对PC水桶产 品进行了最佳化的系统设计,BA系列成型机具有令人信服的 性能特色,在生产水桶时是值得考虑的。 T o this day polycarbonate (PC) is the most used material in the manufacturing of water bottle containers over 10 litres. This is due to the excellent material properties for stability, cleaning and transparency. Thanks to the transparency of the PC water bottle, with just a quick glance at the water level you can see when it is time to replace it. Replacing the water bottle is easy thanks to the practical cartridge system. The high-quali- ty optics of the container also adds an appealing look to the water. The container size of 5 gallons (18.93 litres) is a widely used standard size with high quantities. It is designed in such a way that it fits all dispensers which are common in the market. BA series with high market shares Extrusion blow moulding plants for BEKUM's BA series have been firmly established in this market segment for years. The BA 25 by BEKUM is a very marketable PC water bottles ma- chine that combines high performance and efficiency. With a clamping force of 200kN and its compact footprint, the BA 25 is the obvious choice for manufacturing water containers. It has a very stable clamping unit and is highly wear-resistant. The BA 25 machine has been designed for high durability as well as long production capability and has long provided a reliable and, above all, economic contribution to the drinking water supply via water dispensers worldwide. Clamping and plasticising unit impresses in production The quality of the BA 25 from BEKUM is apparent: The BA 25 machine is designed for discontinuous accumulator operation as well as bottom calibration and uses parison spreaders with vertical adjustment. Modern controls and hydraulics allow the processor very accurate repeatable cycles for high efficiency 24 中空成型机 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018