Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

27 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 提供全面的热成型设备 每年,ILLIG总部位于德国海尔 布隆的工厂产出有超过250条新热成 型生产线,在各地大多数的工业部门 使用20,000多个ILLIG系统,我们的 日常生活中都会直接或间接地使用到 ILLIG的产品,这包括用于生产水果 和蔬菜,鲜肉和人造黄油以及酸奶, 甜点和咖啡胶囊等包装材料的机器。 在乳制品公司,(水果)凝乳和酸奶 杯能在一条成型,灌装,和封切生产 线上,这意味着最终产品直接准备销 售。在非食品行业,ILLIG的客户制 造 剃 刀 和 刀 片 , 以 及 灯 具,玩具和文具的包装材料。ILLIG 的客户各自行业里生产各种高精度的 成型品。ILLIG的模具生产部,配合 ILLIG的高性能热成型机,两组的集 成开发和完美协调,让 ILLIG在效 率,生产率,和可靠性方面形成了具 有竞争力的生产系统。ILLIG也推出 Pactivity® 计划,协助客户提供有关 适销产品和完美产品解决方案和支 持。 I LLIG Maschinenbau developed the first thermoforming machine used in industry and is viewed to this day as pioneer in thermoforming. The Ger- man company is a leading global sup- plier of high-performance thermofor- ming lines, tools and molds, as well as solutions for the packaging industry. The company's product and services portfolio includes the development, design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of complex production lines and components. For more than 70 years, the family-owned enterprise has been serving its customers across the globe as a reliable partner for the cost-effective manufacturing of com- plex high-precision parts out of ther- moplastic materials with innovative technology of unsurpassed quality and comprehensive worldwide after-sales support. With branches and sales agencies in over 80 countries, ILLIG is locally present in all markets around the globe. ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Robert-Bosch-Str. 10, 74081 Heilbronn, Germany www.illig.de ILLIG, CTFA founding member, provides technical training on site ILLIG is one of the 13 founding mem- bers of the CTFA and has been a mem- ber since October 26, 2017. The aim of the CTFA with its currently 150 member companies is the develop- ment of the thermoforming industry in China. The Chinese and international founding members of the machine and tool making sector in thermofor- ming promote this development. Shortly after the foundation of the as- sociation ILLIG supported the joint pro- ject in China by providing a basic tech- nical training in thermoforming for se- veral days. Staff members of the Chi- nese CTFA founding member, Shang- hai Glades, successfully participated in the opening event of the ILLIG training series at the premises of the new ILLIG Customer Solution Center (CSC) in Haining. Mr. Jörg Schuster, head of the Technical Training Department, and Sven Engelmann, head of the ILLIG Packaging Technology Department, conveyed theoretical thermoforming contents and provided support to the very interested participants throug- hout the training by also using accom- panying experiments. The standard reference in thermoforming by ILLIG The profound technical know-how of the highly qualified ILLIG staff together with the reference book „Thermo- forming – A Practical Guide“, edited by ILLIG, are the basis for the technical training. The standard reference in this sector was published in the third editi- on and is currently being translated in- to several languages, among others, also into Chinese again. Fundamentals and thermoforming methods are im- parted in a comprehensive way. It is a valuable reference book for students, engineers and technicians. Besides in- formation on thermoplastics, all ther- moforming process steps, the most important machines and basics on tool and mold making are described in de- tail and substantiated by practical ex- amples. Comprehensive machine portfolio Annually, more than 250 thermofor- ming lines leave the factory of the company’s headquarters in Heilbronn, Germany. More than 20,000 ILLIG sy- stems are used in most industrial bran- ches and sectors of every-day life. This includes machines for the production of packs for fruit and vegetables, fresh meat and margarine as well as yogurt, desserts and coffee capsules. In dairy companies, (fruit) curd and yogurt cups are formed, decorated and filled in one line which means the end pro- ducts are directly ready for the point of sale. In the non-food sector ILLIG cus- tomers manufacture packs for razors and blades, as well as lamps, toys and stationery. Various high-precision for- med parts are produced by ILLIG cus- tomers in series for the industry. The system supplier completes its portfolio by an efficient in-house tool and mold shop. With its pactivity ® initiative ILLIG provides customer support regarding marketable products and perfect pro- duct solutions. Remark: Terms marked with ® are registe- red and protected brands of ILLIG Maschi- nenbau GmbH & Co. KG.