Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

51 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 从2017年八月起,禾昌就已在ProTec生产 线上生产出用于汽车工业和其它领域的 LFT粒子 HCJH has been producing LFT pellets for the automotive industry and other sectors on the ProTec line since August 2017 (Photo: Suzhou Hechang Polymeric Materials Ltd.) 采用LFT粒子生产的汽车部件,包括前端模块 Automotive parts produced from LFT pellets include front-end modules (Photo: Suzhou Hechang Polymeric Materials Ltd.) 苏州禾昌:塑料加工商,一个快乐 的客户: 江苏省苏州禾昌聚合材料股份有限 公司(HCJH)是ProTec的中国客户之 一,对ProTec LFT 拉挤生产线感到满 意。这家区域性改性塑料供应商有200 多名员工,主要业务方向是汽车和家用 电器行业。禾昌持续不断地开展研发保 证了LFT粒子技术的不断发展,这些粒子采用聚丙烯(PP ) 、聚酰胺 (PA), 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物 (ABS) 和聚 酯(PBT)为基材,主要地与玻璃纤维相结合。 从2017年八月起, ProTec的拉挤生产线已经在这家公 司运行了。ProTec 不仅提供产量高达1,000 kg/h的标准设 备,还提供了全套订制系统,包括来自于同一家供应商的规 划建造和安装服务。禾昌选择了64束生产线以及由ProTec 提 供的SOMOS Gramix 称重计量混合系统。 LFT粒子用于各行各业: 禾昌选购的生产线,采用各不相同的高分子材料基质和 不同的纤维含量生产LFT粒子,以适应不同的应用领域。其中 一个热点是汽车行业,例如制造前端模块、仪表板支撑和天 窗框架。禾昌的研发工程师Shi Yaoqi 解释道:“我们帮助我们 的客户降低成本,改善物料的性能,提升其竞争优势。”生产 线以30-35 m/min的线速度生产10到12mm长度的粒子,纤维 含量(重量百分比)可高达65% ,根据高分子材料及所含纤 维的不同,生产线速度可高达50 m/min 。Shi Yaoqi满腔热情 地补充说: ”我们对这条拉挤生产线感到很满意。生产线非常 可靠,其性能与我们的预期完全一致。” 他提到的优点包括: 纤维的浸渍非常均匀,从而得到高质量的LFT,生产线的灵活 性,全自动运行的可能性。生产线中央控制器自动地协调所 有生产线模块,例如生产线速度或粒子切片长度的变化。 ProTec将出席中国上海国际橡胶展 展厅2,展台J11 T hey can be combined and networked at will with compo- nents from ProTec's comprehensive materials handling range. ProTec will also be showing its flexible RDM-40 resin dry- er as a representative of the wide range available. This mobile auxiliary unit has an Industry 4.0-capable controller, is particul- arly efficient thanks to its energy-saving features and is easy to clean. The RDM series from this German one-stop shop plastics processing supplier covers moderate throughputs from 5 kg/h to 150 kg/h and drying temperatures from 60°C to 140°C. LFT pultrusion lines for numerous fiber-polymer combinations ProTec's pultrusion lines are capable of manufacturing LFT pel- lets from many fiber-polymer combinations, even difficult to process pairings such as carbon fiber and polypropylene (PP). Pultrusion involves continuously drawing fiber strands through a polymer melt and wetting them uniformly with the polymer. After cooling, the LFT strands can be chopped into pellets of the desired length. The matrix can be any conventional thermo- plastic, while glass, steel, carbon or aramid fibers are used as the reinforcement. The LFT pellets can be converted into particularly light-weight, high-strength components by injec- tion molding, for example in automotive construction, in the electrical, packaging and sporting goods industries and in aero- space applications. A happy customer: plastics processor HCJH from Suzhou Suzhou Hechang Polymeric Materials Ltd. (HCJH) from the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province is one of ProTec's Chinese custo- mers who are delighted with their ProTec LFT pultrusion line. This regional supplier of modified plastics has over 200 staff