Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

53 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 • 在马格的ZHULI ® 水下造粒系统中, 2017年马格已经推 出的ZHULI ® SLC(SLC表示弹簧压力控制切割)系列是一个 高性价比的水下切割入门级系统,用于低至中等生产产量的 标准应用。SLC型的基本原理是利用其选定的弹簧将其刀片 以恒定的压力压在模头上。而2018年马格将推出最新的 ZHULI ® MAP水下造粒系统,这款新型的MAP(MAP代表手 动可调式造粒机)则可随意调节,该技术显著扩展了应用范 围,能满足更复杂的应用要求。所有ZHULI ® 系列产品的核心 部件均在美国和德国制造。 • PEARLO ® 是马格用于生产球形颗粒的高性能水下造粒 系统,它结合了加拉和奥托马蒂克的技术,能满足最复杂应 用的需求,产量高达可达 36,000公斤/小时。紧凑和模块化的 结构,使其占地面积极小。EAC电子控制技术确保了造粒刀 片在运行过程中的精确输送,并且确保在长时间不间断运行 时,塑料颗粒也能保持始终如一的高质量。 • BAOLI ® 干切料拉条造粒机是马格针对硬质和软质的改 性和回收物料的造粒设备,在此次国际橡塑展中,马格将展 示其全新的第3代版本。其工作宽度可达300毫米,可适用于 将多达75根的料条,加工成长度1.5毫米至5毫米的圆柱形颗 粒。与先前的老型号相比,第3代将更为紧凑,更易于清洁, 更易于操作。其突出的特点是其采用高度可调的结构,并且 操作面板在左侧或右侧可随意安装。BAOLI ® 系统的关键部件 在德国制造,所有规格均符合德国适用的安全标准。可选装 隔音罩,进一步降低噪音。 • M-USG水下拉条造粒机是马格造粒机家族中的旗舰款, 在业界处于领先地位,主要应用于PET、PA和PC等原料塑料 生产,其最高产量可达20,000公斤/小时。其最突出的特点是 采用整体优化结构设计来实现操作和维护上的便利,可实现 高度自动化的刀头快速更换。采用高耐磨切削刀具确保长时 间稳定持续运行。可以说,M-USG在业界就是出色稳定的颗 粒品质的代名词。 埃特林格公司也将首次出现在马格的展台上,为客户展示其 2017年底最新推出的ERF350型最新熔体过滤器。在过滤污 染的塑料熔体时,该产品可以可靠地去除杂质,如纸张、 铝、木材、弹性体或污染程度高达18%的高熔点塑料,并且 熔体损失极低。该产品的设计新颖,效率高,适用于不同的 熔体类型和和溶解度,满足不同的过滤精度要求,最高产量 可达3800公斤/小时。广泛适用于所有常见的聚烯烃和聚苯乙 烯以及众多的工程塑料,如苯乙烯共聚物、TPE和TPU。 F or Chinaplas 2018 Maag, a leading global manufacturer of gear pumps, pelletizing and filtration systems as well as pulverizers for challenging applications, is highlighting pelletizing systems for plastic producers, compounders and recyclers. Chinaplas is also Maag’s first joint appearance with Ettlinger, a manufacturer of high-performance melt filters for recycling applications belongs to Maag since the beginning of the year. The pelletizing systems presented at booth P38 in hall 2 – with the largest area ever for Maag at a trade fair in China – focus on the ZHULI ® , PEARLO ® , BAOLI ® and M-USG series. • Maag’s ZHULI ® underwater pelletizing system was expan- ded with the new ZHULI ® MAP, building upon the ZHULI ® SLC (SLC stands for Spring Loaded Cutters) which was introduced in 2017 and is the cost-effective basic system for numerous stan- dard applications with low to medium throughput. While the knives in the SLC type are pressed against the die with a per- manently selected spring pressure, the pressure of the knives against the die in the new MAP type (Manual Adjustable Pelle- tizer) is variably adjustable. This option significantly extends the application range by making it possible to adapt to the relevant process parameters. All key components are manufactured in the USA and Germany, as they are for the entire ZHULI ® pro- duct family. • PEARLO ® is the high-performance underwater pelletizing system from Maag for making spherical pellets. It combines technologies from the previously independent companies Gala and Automatik for efficient and flexible use in challenging ap- plications with throughput of up to 36,000 kg/h. Compact and modularly designed, it requires only a very small footprint in production. Electronically controlled EAC technology guaran- tees precise feed of the pelletizing knives during operation, thereby ensuring long runtimes free of interruptions with con- sistently high pellet quality. • BAOLI ® dry-cut pelletizers from Maag for compounding and recycling hard and soft materials are available at Chinaplas in the 3rd, completely revised generation. With working widths up to 300 mm, they are designed for processing up to 75 poly- mer strands into cylindrical pellets from 1.5 mm to 5 mm in length. Their advantages compared to previously available ver- sions include the more compact design and good accessibility for cleaning as well as variable height adjustment and control elements optionally positioned on the left or right side for added operational flexibility. The key components of BAOLI ® systems are manufactured in Germany and all versions meet the requirements of applicable safety standards in Germany. Noise emission, which is already reduced, can be further dimi- nished with the optionally available sound insulating hood. 马格M-USG水下拉条造粒机 Maag M-USG Underwater Strand Pelletizer