Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

08 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 development and is therefore a part of the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) since 1968. Pfeiffer Vacuum and LIP will cooperate in research and deve- lopment to create vacuum solutions for aerospace applications, vacuum metrolo- gy, vacuum calibration and other appli- cations. The strong cooperation between the two companies is in line with the common in- terests of both sides. Pfeiffer Vacuum is contributing with its extensive line of so- lutions, products and services ranging from vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment to complex vacuum systems and its global sales and service network, while LIP is introducing its lead- ing position in the China vacuum industry. On October 17, 2017, the LIP-Pfeiffer Va- cuum Joint Center for Vacuum Technolo- gy was established in Lanzhou, Gansu province. The center will provide the platform for future projects and joint de- velopments. As mentioned by LIP during the opening ceremony, it will connect ‘Made in China 2025’ and the German ‘Industry 4.0’ initiatives. The start of the cooperation between Pfeiffer Vacuum and the Lanzhou Institute of Physics is in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of Pfeiffer Vacuum in China – 10 years of committed dedication in China. “We ho- pe that with our experience and advan- ced technology we can provide leading vacuum solutions and first-class service to create a bright future for our Chinese customers”, said Vic Chen, General Ma- nager of Pfeiffer Vacuum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. LIP-普发真空真空技术联合中心在中国甘肃省兰州市的揭幕仪式 Unveiling ceremony of the LIP-Pfeiffer Vacuum Joint Center for Vacuum Technology in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China ➠ Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH Pfeiffer Vacuum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com 乐在中国市场享有良好的声誉。此外, 西得乐在无菌生产领域也颇有建树,在 市场上建立了信誉,这也进一步凸显西 得乐承担热灌装等其他复杂应用项目的 能力。西得乐拥有45年的热灌装经验, 其成熟的热灌装解决方案全球装机量超 过1000套。紫泉管理层表示:“西得乐 在PET包装领域的专业能力,以及在热 灌装应用方面的丰富经验,是我们选择 该公司作为新生产线供应商的根本原 因。此外,之前我们几家工厂有七条生 产线成功投产西得乐HR吹瓶机,这样 的合作经历让我们进一步深信,西得乐 有能力承担南京新脉动饮料生产线项 目。” 西得乐HR吹瓶机可处理热灌装生 产中通常涉及到的复杂情况,比如包装 塌陷,以及需要确定最合适的工艺以确 保包装瓶质量。 Second Complete Hot Fill PET Line installed n Nanjing Ziquan, one of China’s leading co-packers, has turned again to Sidel to increase its hot fill production capacity of Mizone, a functional drink brand particu- n 中国一流饮料代加工商南京紫泉饮 料工业有限公司,再次寻求与西得乐合 作,以丰富热灌装整线,提高生产能 力。新生产线的运行速度达每小时 36000瓶(bph),用于包装中国知名 功能型饮料品牌“脉动”饮料。2013年, 紫泉安装了一条类似的西得乐PET热灌 装整线,反响良好。此次项目是双方的 再次合作,这将使南京工厂的热灌装生 产线达到三条。 紫泉管理层表示:“紫泉之前安装 的西得乐生产线一直保持着95%以上的 运行效率,在近期升级后,600ml瓶装 饮料的生产速度从30000瓶/小时提升到 34500瓶/小时。首条西得乐热灌装整线 的出色性能和可靠性,让紫泉愿意将项 目再次交给西得乐,提供类似的解决方 案。” 这两条西得乐生产线均配备西得 乐SBO 20HR吹瓶机(20个吹瓶站)、 西得乐Matrix™ SF700热灌装机、传送 带、贴标机和包装机。这对紫泉的热灌 能力和PET瓶装脉动饮料的生产都有所 推进。 紫泉选择西得乐的另一重要原因在 于,在卫生设计和食品安全方面,西得 第二个完整的热灌装PET生产线安装 larly popular in China and packaged in PET, for which consumption is growing. The new line – running at a speed of 36,000 bottles per hour (bph) – follows positive feedback on a similar complete hot fill PET line installed in 2013. It brings the total number of hot fill lines installed in the Nanjing plant to three. “The earlier Sidel line had been main- taining an operating efficiency of 95%+ and has even been upgraded recently, so that its output speeds for the 600ml bottle format increased from 30,000 bottles per hour to 34,500 bottles per hour,” comments the management team of Nanjing Ziquan. “As a result of the excellent and reliable performance of this first complete hot fill line, we were happy to award the project for a similar solution once again to Sidel.” Both Sidel