Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

13 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER KG www.wuh-group.com from our customers for the fast immediate help," says Jörg Dellbrügge, Head of W&H Service Logistics. The conventional delivery time for rare consumables that are not stored in stock is two weeks or longer. W&H's express spare parts, on the other hand, can be on their way to the customer just one day after receipt of the order. "It always depends on the urgency of the or- der. A spare part from us is sometimes just an interim solution until the final machine part is finished. If, for example, this still has to be refined, experience has shown that production always takes a little longer." Express manufacturing was set up as an additional service in April last year. Since then, express production has successfully completed more than 200 rush orders. Spare Parts produced in Record Time n In the event of (imminent) machine downtime, machine spare parts are often required in record time. Windmöller & Höl- scher has 90 percent of all required origi- nal spare parts directly available from stock. But there are also rare consumables or old machine parts that are not stored. The W&H express production closes this gap: Simple to medium complex machine components that have been manufactured to customer specifications (drawing parts), can be rebuilt and delivered in less than 24 hours. "Our express service for spare parts works in a similar way to an emergency room: the most important thing is to stabi- lize the patient, i.e. the machine, and keep it alive. This is how we prevent production shutdowns. We get very positive feedback 等复杂的设备零部件并发出货物。 “我们的零配件特快服务采用与医院 急诊室相似的方式运作:最重要的事情就 是稳定病人,也就是设备,让它保持生存 。 这 就 是 我 们 防 止 设 备 停 产 的 办 法。”W&H 服务和物流部门主任Jörg Dell- brügge说道:“对于这种快速而及时的服 务,我们收到了来自客户的非常良好的反 馈。”对于仓库中没有库存的消耗品,通 常的交货时间为两周或更长。与此不同的 是,W&H的特快零部件服务,当接到客 户的紧急订单后,仅仅一天时间就已经在 送往客户的路途上了。有时,我们提供的 零备件只是一种临时的解决方案,等待直 到最后的零部件完_成。比如,如果经验 表明该零件仍需要改进,那么制造就需要 略长一点的时间。” 特快制造作为一种附加的服务,于 去年四月份推出,从那时以来,特快制 造已成功地完成了超过二百份紧急订 单。