Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

17 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 来看,市场的增长率表现将引人注 目。” 巴斯夫的工厂位于上海漕泾镇的化 学工业园, 新工厂靠近巴斯夫上海地区 的研究和发展中心并将由此受益,该中 心向这一地区的聚合物生产商提供技术 支持。 抗氧化剂的重要性: 当塑料被置于高温下加工时,抗氧 化剂有利于防止热氧化作用。 氧化将导致冲击强度、延伸率的降 低,并使物料表面产生裂纹和变色。 n 巴斯夫新的世界级抗氧化剂制造工 厂于一月份在中国上海的漕泾镇揭牌这 家工厂的年生产能力为42,000吨,将 生产用于塑料添加剂市场的抗氧化剂以 及相关形态产品及混合料。工厂运营的 第一阶段将生产粉状混合料、液态抗氧 化剂以及相关形态的混合物。 巴 斯 夫 股 份 公 司 董 事 会 成 员 Markus Kamieth博士说道:“随着这一 投资,我们增强了我们作为抗氧化剂全 球领先供应商的地位。亚洲是全世界最 大的抗氧化剂市场,而中国几乎占到了 亚洲市场的65%,我们预料,从中长期 位于上海的新抗氧化剂制造工厂 几乎所有高分子材料在制造、加工 和最终使用的某一阶段或者所有阶段, 都会经历氧化降解反应。 巴斯夫经营全球生产网络,是在亚 洲、欧洲、北美和中东都拥有塑料添加 剂生产工厂的唯一的供应商。 New Antioxidants Manufacturing Plant in Shanghai n BASF inaugurated a new, world-scale antioxidants manufacturing plant in Ja- ➠ KIEFEL GmbH www.kiefel.com 客户以最佳方式实现高效率生产。我们 高速压力成型系统的成型和切割站已经 是非常有效率了。接下来的下一步工序 节省时间是有可能的。”他解释说:“可 靠的堆码和缓冲以及快速卸载允许成型 部件快速包装或填充,这就进一步提高 了生产率。” Efficient Automation n Kiefel GmbH, based in Freilassing/Ger- many, focuses on efficient automation of steel rule cutting for thermoforming ma- chines. Kiefel now offers the Speed- Packer – an optimized product packing module for the KMD Speedformer Se- ries. It significantly increases productivity. The thermoforming specialists have launched the SpeedPacker. This powerful module is not only suitable for the Kiefel KMD Speedformer, but is also com- patible with other manufacturers’ steel rule cutting machines. The SpeedPacker is a buffering and unloading station that is fully integrated into the steel rule cutting machine. Buffering is key to re- ducing personnel requirements and achieving tremendous cost savings. The ergonomically optimized SpeedPacker ensures safe operation. The level of the unloading belt can easily be adjusted to the suit the height of the operator. Re- trofitting is also possible for machines al- ready in use. Kiefel machines are modular and can be expanded as required. Various stacking solutions, quality control, and packing units are available. Automation is a con- siderable success factor for efficient ma- nufacturing and enhanced productivity. "We are always thinking about enabling our customers to optimally achieve effi- cient production," says Erwin Wabnig, Head of the Kiefel Packaging Division. "The forming and cutting stations of our SpeedPacker -用于 KMD Speedformer系列的缓冲和卸载站 SpeedPacker - Buffer and Unloading Station for KMD Speedformer Series high-speed pressure forming systems are already very efficient. Time savings are also possible in the next steps", he ex- plains. "Reliable stacking with buffering and rapid unloading permit fast packing or filling of formed parts, further increas- ing productivity."