Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2022

内容/ Content 5
企业短讯/ Branche Intern 6
挤出工具 : 充分利用您的挤出模具 Extrusion Tooling: Getting the Most from Your Extrusion Tooling 28
天然纤维复合材料挤出技术: 天然纤维废料强化挤出生产线 Extrusion Technology, Natural Fiber Composites: Extrusion Lines for Natural Fibre Waste Strengthened 32
复方制剂: 全自动智能化工程塑料配混改性生产线 的一站式采购 Compounding: Complete Automatic Compounding Lines From a Single 34
生产工艺: 生产复杂的化合物和生物高分子材料具 有最大的灵活性 Processing: Maximum Flexibility for Sophisticated Compounds and Bio-Polymers 36
回收再生 : PP 硬质塑料回收洗涤设备:掌握了关 键技术 Recycling: Washing Plant Gets to the Heart of PP Hard Plastics 38
回收利用: 100%rHDPE–FDA为史太林格回收工艺 开绿灯 Recycling: 100 % rHDPE – FDA Gives Green Light for Recycling Process 40
CHINAPLAS携4,000+展商强势回归上海 CHINAPLAS Returns to Shanghai with over 4,000 Exhibitors 42
Gneuss: 挤出技术 : 创新的 MRSjump 挤出机具有高去污性能并在一个挤出步 骤中就可提升粘度 Extrusion Technology: Innovative MRSjump Extruder with High Decontamination Performance and a Viscosity Boost in One Single Extrusion Step 44
Erema: 为中国再生需求量身定做的方案 Solutions to Meet the Needs of the Chinese Recycling Market 46
Davis-Standard: 中国国际橡塑展: 面向高增长市场的独创产品 Ingenuity for High-Growth Markets at Chinaplas 48
Sikora: 创新的测量、控制、检测、分析 和分拣系统 Innovative Measuring, Control, Inspection, Analysis and Sorting Systems 50
rückner: 低能耗和高效率的双拉薄膜 生产 Low Energy and High-Efficiency BO Film Production 52
Brückner Servtec: 低能耗和高效率的双 拉薄膜生产 Low Energy and High-Efficiency BO Film Production 53
ILLIG: 新的RDF 85系统在中国国际橡塑 展现场展示 New RDF 85 System Live at Chinaplas 55
Maag: 各种泵和过滤系统、造粒和磨粉 系统、回收系统以及数字化解决方案 Pump & Filtration Systems, Pelletizing & Pulverizing Systems, Recycling Systems and Digital Solutions 56
本期杂志中的公司目录 / 敬请垂询 Firms in this issue / Imprint 58