Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2024

17 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2024 ➠ Clariant www.clariant.com 日本受到监管,从而产生了对不含聚四 氟乙烯的替代品的需求。科莱恩不断增 长的无聚四氟乙烯解决方案组合是2023 中国国际涂料展的亮点。 科莱恩涂料和粘合剂、BU吸附剂 和添加剂营销主管Ray Gonzales说道: ”我们很高兴分享涂料和油墨的持续发 展,部分原因是我们的新型添加剂解决 方案,这让我们在建筑、家具和其他应 用中可以选择不含聚四氟乙烯的替代 品。我们为我们的不含聚四氟乙烯替代 品感到自豪,如Ceridust®8170 M,表 明我们的企业致力于尽量减少对环境的 影响,”。 Ceridust 8170 M是一种创新的无聚 四氟乙烯粉末涂料纹理剂。它在粉末涂 料挤压过程中具有减少能源消耗的额外 好处,并符合欧盟的REACH《化学品注 册、评估、许可和限制》法规,此外它 也不含PFAS(聚合物氟化物)。 除 了 Ceridust 8170 M, Ceridust 8330是ChinaCoat的特色,它是一种不 含聚四氟乙烯的替代品,具有优异的耐 磨性。这种独特的生物基添加剂由可再 生资源制成,是各种涂料和油墨的突 破,与传统的蜡基产品相比,表现出优 越的耐摩擦性能。Ceridust 8330可用于 水性和溶剂型涂料系统,与含有聚四氟 乙烯的材料相比,使用Ceridust 8330可 实现类似或更优越的性能,从而更高效 地使用油墨。 以可持续发展为驱动力的高性能、脱碳和本地化配方 Sustainability-driven formulations on performance, decarbonization and localization New Portfolio of Industrial Coatings and PTFE-free Additives n At ChinaCoat 2023 in Shanghai Clari- ant showcased its latest solutions dedica- ted to more sustainable and effective formulations and coating applications that help safeguard public health and the environment. The coatings industry continues to grow strongly in China, experiencing a strong recovery in the aftermath of the pande- mic. This growth is being driven by de- mand in industries such as export and construction for coating applications that offer both higher efficiency and better performance. To meet these needs, Clari- ant offers dedicated solutions with fea- tures including improved corrosion resistance and reduced formulation vis- cosity consistently achieved across changing systems. ClariCoat in China – a one stop additive shop To make it easier to find the right addi- tives Clariant has launched a new Chi- nese version of its ClariCoat digital platform. The novel web application for paints and coatings specialists who face challenges with their paint formulations provides customized solutions for a holis- tic range of performance criteria such as liquid paint stability, workability and sus- tainability. The digital tool is particularly valuable for formulators who want advice on additives as the trend to shift towards water-based paint systems continues in the industry. Meeting growing demand on PTFE-free solutions In addition to performance and sustaina- bility, compliance with regulatory require- ments is growing concern for the coatings industry as a whole. For exam- ple, the use of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in ink formulations and coating ap- plications has been regulated in the EU, the US and Japan, creating the need for PTFE-free alternatives. Clariant’s growing portfolio of PTFE-free solutions were a highlight at ChinaCoat 2023. “We are excited to share the ongoing evolution of coatings and inks, driven in part by our novel additive solutions, which have given us the choice of PTFE- free alternatives in construction, furniture and other applications. We are proud of our PTFE-free alternatives, like Ceridust ® 8170 M, demonstrating our corporate dedication to minimizing environmental impact,” says Ray Gonzales, Clariant’s Head of marketing Coatings & Adhesives, BU Adsorbents and Additives. The Ceridust 8170 M is an innovative PTFE-free texturing agent for powder coatings. It has the added benefit of re- duced energy consumption during the powder coating extrusion process and complies with the EU’s REACH legislation in addition to also being PFAS-free. In addition to Ceridust 8170 M, Ceridust 8330 was a feature at ChinaCoat as a PTFE-free alternative with excellent abra- sion resistance. This unique bio-based ad- ditive, made from a renewable resource, is a breakthrough for various coatings and inks, exhibiting superior rub resis- tance properties compared to conventio- nal wax-based products. It can be incorporated in both water and solvent- based coating systems and formulations using Ceridust 8330 can achieve similar or superior performance compared to PTFE-containing materials, leading to more efficient ink usage.