Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2024

19 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2024 ➠ Mylar Specialty Films www.mylar.com n Mylar Specialty Films是差异化聚 酯薄膜生产的领导者,它公布了其全球 品牌重塑计划,重点是将名称从DuPont Teijin Films(杜邦帝人薄膜)更改为 Mylar Specialty Films。这一变化适用于 位于美国、欧洲和亚洲的所有全球业务 和办事处。新公司名称的选择反映了 Mylar ® 品牌的传统,该品牌在20世纪50 年代作为世界上第一个双向拉伸聚酯薄 膜推出。 Mylar Specialty films首席执行官 Steve Gendreau说道:”在我们70年生产 Mylar ® 聚酯薄膜的基础上,这次更名是 对我们历史的致敬,也表明我们继续致 力于创新和在市场上的领导地位。” Mylar特种薄膜不仅准备满足我们行业不 断变化的需求,而且还预测到这些需 求,并以我们对卓越的全球客户的承诺 制定行业标准。” 公司所有权保持不变,为Celanese 和Teijin的合资企业,公司将继续销售 Melinex ® PET、 Hongji ® PET和 Kaladex ® PEN系列产品,以及Mylar ® PET品牌薄 膜。 与FSPG高科技有限公司在中国的 合资业务也将在不久的将来重新命名, 但将继续以杜邦鸿基薄膜公司的名义运 营,直到另行通知。 Global Company Name Rebrand Announced n Mylar Specialty Films, a leader in the production of differentiated polyester films, unveiled its global rebranding in- itiative highlighted by a change in name from DuPont Teijin Films to Mylar Speci- alty Films. This change applies to all glo- bal operations and offices located in the US, Europe and Asia. The choice of the new company name reflects the heritage of the Mylar ® brand which was introduc- ed as the world's first biaxially orientated PET film in the 1950’s. ”Proudly building on our 70-years of pro- ducing Mylar ® polyester films, this re- branding is a salute to our history as well as signals our continued commitment to innovation and leadership in the market,” said Steve Gendreau, CEO of Mylar Spe- cialty Films. “Mylar Specialty Films is pois- ed to not only meet the evolving needs of our industry, but to also anticipate them and set industry standards with our com- 宣布全球公司更名 CENTERWAVE 6000 360° 测量大规格管道 • 测量外径在 32 - 3,200 mm 的管材 • 最小壁厚 1.6 mm • “ 一键式操作 ” —— 无需校准,无需预设产品参数 • 对管道进行 360° 测量 • 冷值的动态收缩与熔垂预测 www.sikora.net 欢迎莅临 2024 CHINAPLAS 我司展位 2.1F62 mitment to excellence and to our custo- mers worldwide.” The company ownership remains un- changed being a joint venture between Celanese and Teijin, and the company will continue to market the Melinex ® PET, Hongji ® PET, and Kaladex ® PEN range of products in addition to Mylar ® PET brand- ed films. The JV operations with FSPG Hi-Tech Co., Ltd in China will also be re-branded in the near future but will continue to operate as DuPont Hongji Films until further no- tice.