Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2024

21 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2024 ➠ Perstorp www.perstorp.com 根据本公司雄心勃勃的2030年可持 续发展目标,柏斯托制定了可操作的路 线图,概述了减少温室气体排放、减少 浪费、节约淡水及实现整个价值链的可 持续转型的实践活动。对于淄博设施的 运营,范围1路线图包含了一些旨在减 少排放,同时也最大限度地减少废物产 生和水消耗的项目。 作为交易的一部分,淄博基地的业 务已更名为山东珀斯托化工有限公司。 公司原名山东富丰柏斯托化工有限公 司。 Minority Partner in China Acquired n Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has closed a deal to buy out its minority partner in the joint venture Shandong Perstorp Chemical Co., Ltd. (formerly Shandong Fufeng Perstorp Chemical Co., Ltd.), which has owned and operated Site Zibo in China. Perstorp is now the sole owner of the polyol manufacturing ope- n 可持续解决方案供应商Perstorp (柏斯托)已完成收购其在合营企业山 东柏斯托化工有限公司(前称山东富丰柏 斯托化工有限公司)少数股权的交易,该 合资企业拥有及经营中国淄博的设施。 柏斯托现为多元醇制造业务的唯一拥有 人,该设施位于山东淄博,在北京以南 约400公里处。 该交易突显了柏斯托对中国和亚洲 市场的持续坚定承诺,完全符合公司的 战略方向和可持续发展目标。 山东富丰柏斯托化工有限公司成立 于2007年,由柏斯托与其中方合作伙伴 山东富丰宏金投资有限公司共同出资组 建。获得完全所有权将确保柏斯托能够 继续开发该设施,并能够进行实质性的 设施升级,以保障淄博设施的竞争力。 柏斯托集成供应链执行副总裁 Magnus Lannér说道:”实现我们的长期 战略方向和2030年的可持续发展目标意 味着我们需要发展我们的业务和运营我 们设施的方式。我们的目标是在淄博继 续发展安全、可持续和卓越的运营“。 收购中国伙伴的少数股权 ration, located in Zibo, Shandong pro- vince, about 400 km south of Beijing. The deal underscores Perstorp’s con- tinued strong commitment to China and the Asian market and is fully in line with the company’s strategic direction and sus- tainability agenda. Shandong Fufeng Perstorp Chemical Co at Site Zibo was established as a joint ven- ture between Perstorp and their Chinese partner Shandong Fufeng Hongjin Invest- ment Co., Ltd. in 2007. Gaining full ownership will ensure that Perstorp can continue developing the site, and can aim to make substantial site upgrades to safe- guard the competitiveness of Site Zibo. "Reaching our long-term strategic direc- tion and our sustainability targets for 2030 mean that we need to develop both our business and the way we operate our site. Our ambition is to continue develop- ing safety, sustainability and operational excellence at Site Zibo," says Magnus Lannér, EVP Integrated Supply Chain. Based on the company’s ambitious sus- tainability targets for 2030, Perstorp has developed actionable roadmaps outlining hands-on activities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, save fresh water and enable sustainable transfor- mation throughout the value chain. For the operations at Site Zibo, the Scope 1 roadmap contains a number of projects designed to reduce emission while also minimizing waster production and water consumption. As part of the deal, the operations at Site Zibo has changed its name to Shandong Perstorp Chemical Co., Ltd. Its former name is Shandong Fufeng Perstorp Che- mical Co., Ltd. 柏斯托收购了 中国设施的少 数股权 (照片:柏斯托) Perstorp buys out minority partner at China site (Photo: Perstorp) ➠ motan holding gmbh www.motan-group.com teria and rules. Thus, the motan Group was once again recognized as a world market leader. World market leaders must, among other things, be number one or two worldwide in terms of turnover in a relevant market segment. With an annual turnover of around 147 million euros, the motan Group is in an excellent position. In addi- tion, at least 50% of the global annual turnover of potential world market lead- ers must be generated abroad and on three continents. With an export quota of >50% on six continents, motan has again more than fulfilled this criterion. Another criterion is the headquarters of the owners. This must be, at least in part, in Germany. The motan Group also fully meets this criterion with its location in Constance. The complete list of the 451 world mar- ket leaders is published in the current spe- cial issue no. 1 of "WirtschaftsWoche" from November 6, 2023 with the title: "The 450 secret world market leaders".