Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

➠ battenfeld-cincinnati www.battenfeld-cincinnati.com K 2019: Hall 16, Booth B19 16号馆, 展台号 B19 查看新的实验生产线 View into the new lab line 材料,该全新挤出机系列的使用效果也 非常突出。 自年初起,该行星螺杆挤出机作为 核心组件配备在一条新的测试部门的试 验线上,巴顿菲尔辛辛那提凭借该试验 线为客户提供卓越的服务。“在这条试 验线上,片材制造商能够在实际生产条 件下,制定出全新或者经过优化的配方 并进行材料组合,从而更好地了解我们 在机器制造方面的专业能力”首席技术 官 Henning Stieglitz 博士如是说。 在新颁发“包装法”的背景下以及针对资 源利用效率和“回收友好型设计”主题, 除作为主要组件使用的行星螺杆挤出机 外,该设备还包括高速运行的多点接触 式压光机,从而为进一步研发打下了完 美的基础。 STARextruder covers Broad Range of PET Processing Requirements n The ideal processing extruder for PET doesn't require materials to be pre-dried, can be easily and flexibly adjusted to dif- ferent incoming materials and end pro- ducts, and hardly requires any mainten- ance. Simple operation and control are also indispensable. battenfeld-cincinnati has now developed a new solution to fulfill these exacting requirements: The STARextruder 120 is set to be one of the premier exhibits at this year's world-lead- ing trade fair. In the processing of new materials – and recycled materials in par- ticular – the extruder shines in terms of efficiency, devolatilization performance, and end-product quality. battenfeld-cincinnati boasts one of the broadest product ranges on the machine engineering market. The extrusion spe- cialist offers both individual components as well as perfectly coordinated overall systems for the manufacture of pipes, profiles, granulates, sheets, and boards, with each solution precisely tailored to the customer's individual applications. The development of the STARextruder series marks a significant expansion of the PET processing product range. Set to make its debut at the K trade fair, the STARextruder is ideally suited for proces- sing up to 1,000 kg/h of PET, with a screw diameter of 120 mm. The entire STARextruder series comprises four ex- truder sizes covering a broad range of outputs from 600 through 1,800 kg/h. A single-screw extruder with a degassing zone made up of a planetary roller unit forms the basis of the STARextruder. In this zone, the melted material is rolled out into very thin layers and an enorm- ous surface area is created. This helps ge- nerate the perfect conditions for high degassing and devolatilization perform- ance – a crucial factor for ensuring maxi- mum product quality when processing PET and other materials. A further ad- vantage is the large degassing opening on the side of the extruder, which is both accessible and easy to clean. Both new materials and recycled materials (ideally those which have been pre-conditioned) can be processed, as confirmed by an FDA letter of no objection. The EFSA cri- teria applicable in Europe can also be ful- filled. As demonstrated in numerous test series, the new extruder range also offers outstanding opportunities for processing other materials for which a high level of degassing performance is required. Since the beginning of the year, the STARextruder has formed one of the key components of our new lab line, which is enabling battenfeld-cincinnati to provide its customers with a particularly special service. ”Sheet manufacturers can pro- duce new or optimized formulas and material combinations under production conditions and become more familiar with our machine engineering exper- tise,” explains CTO Dr. Henning Stieglitz, who is inviting interested manufacturers to get in touch. Against the backdrop of Germany's new packaging law and the concepts of resource efficiency and ‘de- sign for recycling’, the plant provides the ideal setting for further developments and features a high-speed extruder and a Multi-Touch roll stack alongside the STARextruder. 52 预习 / Preview Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019 展预展之际评论道。对于许多应用而 言,塑料是理想的材料。 但它总是未能 被回收利用。 “这就是为什么我们进一 步开发了我们的挤出技术并已经解决了 关键的技术参数,以改进和开发塑料产 品。这是循环经济的完美解决方案。” 可持续,数字和创新:莱芬豪舍将 在K 2019展会上推出采用可持续发展方 n 减少用量、再次使用、回收利用、 替代:莱芬豪舍集团将在 2019年K展上 专注于这四项原则,并展示创新的挤出 技术,将塑料作为一种可持续发展的材 料应用于未来。 “如何彻底改变对塑料 的使用和处理,是我们的一部分责任, 我们正在承担起我们的责任,”该集团 的首席销售官Ulrich Reifenhäuser在K 塑料产品可持续发展的对策