Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2020

11 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2020 ELEKTROWÄRMETECHNIK FRANZ MESSER GMBH ERGE Elektrowärmetechnik - Franz Messer GmbH 91220 Schnaittach - Hersbrucker Straße 29-31 Tel. +49/9153/921-0 Fax +49/9153/921-117 www.erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de mail: verkauf@erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de HEIZEN TROCKNEN REGELN CONTROLLING HEATING DRYING ➠ Nordson Polymer Processing Systems www.nordsonpolymerprocessing.com 管理方面有超过20年的经验,他的聚合 物行业知识和管理专长将是为亚洲各地 客户提供优质支持的宝贵补充。” 诺信公司在亚洲生产Xaloy产品的 工厂位于泰国春武里。 General Sales Manager in Asia Appointed n Chew Yew Kwong has joined Nordson Corporation’s Polymer Processing Sys- The expansion will increase production by more than 50%, propelling the site to become a regional hub for best-in-class tackifier and reinforcing resin production and technology. n SI集团作为功能性添加剂、工艺解 决方案、药物活性成分和化学中间体等 领域技术创新的全球领导者,已宣布计 划,扩大其在中国南京工厂的产能水 平。此次扩建将使产能增加50%以上, 从而推动该基地成为一流的增粘剂以及 增强树脂产品的生产和技术区域枢纽。 SI 集团在南京的投资正紧随其 后,希望重塑其商业模式,以应对轮胎 行业的新兴趋势。 SI 集团橡胶与胶粘 剂解决方案副总裁Robert Kaiser表示: “我们已采取必要的适当步骤来增强我 们在这一关键区域增长的能力。 “ 他还补充说:“这种扩展使我们能够提 升我们的产品和市场地位,为我们的客 户提供优质的解决方案。”SI集团在南京 的扩张还将体现出在高度管控的中国化 学工业中遵守节能法规和可持续发展方 面的努力。 SI集团在制造用于增强轮胎性能和 耐久性的增粘剂树脂方面拥有悠久的历 史。除增粘树脂外,该公司还拥有在全 球范围内生产的强大的粘合、固化和增 强树脂产品组合。该公司目前正在按照 所有中国地方政府的法规对南京工厂进 行全面的环境和安全许可审查。 Tackifier Capacity Expansion in China Announced n SI Group, a global leader in the inno- vative technology of performance addi- tives, process solutions, active pharma- ceutical ingredients, and chemical inter- mediates announced plans to expand ca- pacity levels at its Nanjing, China facility. 中国增粘剂产能扩张公告 SI Group’s Nanjing investment is in lock- step with the desire to reinvent its busi- ness model, addressing the emerging trends in the tire industry. “We have taken the appropriate steps necessary to tems (PPS) business as general sales ma- nager in Asia for Xaloy ® extrusion and in- jection molding components. Chew will be responsible for sales of Xaloy screws, barrels, and front end components. He will coordinate with other Nordson teams to serve customers ordering multiple PPS products. “Chew Yew Kwong has more than twenty years of experience in internatio- nal sales and operations management,” said Teong HK, vice president of PPS Asia. “His polymer industry knowledge and management expertise will be a valuable addition to our mission of pro- viding excellent support to customers throughout Asia.” The company’s Asia manufacturing facili- ty for Xaloy products is located in Chon- buri, Thailand.