Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2020

Also on June 01, 2020 TECHWIN started to represent COLLIN Medi- cal Lines – presses, extruders, blown film lines, roll mills etc. – providing R&D-, pilot- and pro- duction solutions for various ap- plications. TECHWIN is located in Shanghai (headquarter), Beijing and Wuhan. Jaime Gong, CEO of TECHWIN and his team have more than 12 years’ experience in the market for medical products. TECHWIN is a member of the China Association for Medical Devices Industry and has a broad customer network. Collin intensifies also the presence in the emerging Vietnamese market. On July 01, 2020, the mechanical engineering specialist started the cooperation with Song Song Co, Ltd,. With 40 employees in sales and technical support, Song 09 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2020 www.smart-extrusion.com ➠ COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions www.collin-solutions.com Collin还加强了在新兴市场越南的 影响力。 2020年7月1日,这家机械工 程 专 家 企 业 开 始 与 Song Song Co,Ltd,合作。Song Song拥有40名 从事销售和技术支持的员工,完美地涵 盖了蓬勃发展的越南塑料工业。 Song Song的销售总监Tuan Nguyen非常有信 心,Collin这家国际集团的出现,将推 动市场对高质量实验室和试验生产线的 需求。 Market Position in Asia Strengthened n Collin used the worldwide pandemic slow down to form new strategic part- nerships with strong agencies in China and Vietnam. “In China, we were able to gain a new agency for the growing pe- trochemical & chemical industry and for the first time also a sales partner concen- trating on the dynamic medical & phar- maceutical market,” says Corné Verstra- ten, CSO / Joint Partner Collin Lab & Pilot Solutions GmbH. Since June 01, 2020 Team Testing Equip- ment (Short TTE) represents Collin Lab & Pilot Lines in the petrochemical and plas- tics industry. TTE has more than 70 em- ployees in Guangzhou (headquarter), Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. Barry Li, GM of TTE:” I am resp. our team is excited to be able to offer Collin prod- ucts in the Chinese market. With our well-trained and highly customer-orient- ed sales team, we will strengthen the market position of Collin in China.” With a strong technical team of 35 employees, TTE provides technical service and after sales for new and already installed Collin lines. For the rapidly growing medical & phar- maceutical market in China, Collin Lab & Pilot Solutions has been able to attract Shanghai TECHWIN Medical Science (Short TECHWIN), another strong sales partner. COLLIN的新代理商:越南 Song Song,中国TECHWIN和 TTE New COLLIN Agencies: Song Song Vietnam, TECHWIN and TTE China (© COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions GmbH) Song perfectly covers the flourishing Vietnamese plastic industry. Tuan Nguy- en, Sales Director of Song Song is very confident that the raising presence of in- ternational groups will boost the de- mand for high quality Lab & Pilot Lines from Collin.