Extrusion International 1-2019

13 Extrusion International 1/2019 Recruitment “Guill announced it is actively seeking sales representatives for its extrusion tooling and rheology lab services in the global mar- ket,” says TomBaldock, manager of the sales rep organization at Guill, based inWestWarwick, Rhode Island (USA). “Wehave seen a big increase in our sales activity in Asia and especially Europe, so we are looking to partner with sales rep groups who are skilled in the plastic and rubber extrusion markets.” Guill is a recognized leader in the design, engineering and production of extrusion dies, crossheads and auxiliary equipment for extrusion processes including wire & cable, medical tubing, pipe and profiles. Guill Tool & Engineering tbaldock@guill.com www.guill.com Global Recycling Day – „Recycling into the Future“ With less than two months to go until the second annual Global Recycling Day on 18th March 2019, the Global Recy- cling Foundation is bringing cities and organisations together from across the world to encourage everyone recognise the role we can all play in improving the circular economy. In 2018, Global Recycling Day saw over 13 million people take part in recycling awareness and celebrating initiatives across the world. This year, the theme is “Recycling into the Future”, focusing on the importance and power of youth, innovation and education in ensuring a brighter future for the planet. On the 18th March, official Global Recycling Day events will take place in numerous cities around the world. Organisations in these cities will work with schools and young people to raise awareness of recycling through special events and competi- tions, as well as asking individuals to make a pledge to change their recycling habits. Founding President of Global Recycling Foundation, Ranjit Baxi, says: “The success of the first Global Recycling Day in 2018 showed just how many millions of peo- ple across the world are willing to support recycling. We now want to spread the message further and make sure that the importance of better recycling practices is at the forefront of everyone’s minds . The second Global Recycling Day will allow the Global Recycling Foundation to communicate with young people globally, ensuring they know of the positive impact they can have on the future of the planet and the preserva- tion of our natural resources. The future is in our hands and together we can make a difference.” Global Recycling Foundation www.globalrecyclingfoundation.org #GlobalRecyclingDay The European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry suschem.org PlasticsEurope www.plasticseurope.org Robust Agenda to achieve Circularity of Plastics In response to the European Plastics Strategy, the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) and partners issue new report: Plastics Strategic Research and Inno- vation Agenda in a Circular Economy. This report identifies the challenges to plastics circularity and defines the types of solutions needed toaddress them. Future research is required in threemain areas: Circularity by design, recycling and alternative feedstock. SusChem Chairman Dr. Markus Steilemann said: “The Plastics in- dustry is committed to increase the resource efficiency of its pro- ductionprocesses and to face the challengeof closing the circular- ity loop. The new Research and Innovation Agenda gives fresh impetus on the strongest way to drive progress along plastics value chains by means of collaboration”. The analysis from this report has helped to identify priorities, pro- jects and the level of investment needed toachieve full circularityof plastics. SusChemand its partners –Cefic, PlasticsEurope, European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and the European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform (ECP4) – will use this report as their main input to EU innovation policy on the circularity of plas- tics. We hope this document will inspire an increase in number of collaborative projects as well as European andmember states sup- port for a full implementation of the solutions proposed.