Extrusion International 1-2021

13 Extrusion International 1/2021 STRONG STAND-ALONE FILTERS FROM EREMA EREMA has been the innovation leader for highly efficient plastics recycling systems for 35 years. Our melt filters are at the heart of them. Robust, safe and with high throughput – even with high degrees of contamination. Filters made by EREMA have proven their reliability for decades in the toughest recycling conditions. With our new brand POWERFIL you can now use our high-performance filters for your existing extrusion system. Plug in experience. Plug in performance. POWERFUL FILTRATION www.powerfil.com EFFICIENT RELIABLE ECONOMICAL 2020 at 3.6 billion euros, representing approximately -18% with respect to the 4.4 billion in 2019. An analogous result is expected in the consolidated year-end results for foreign trade. An analysis of export markets by macro-area in the three quarters in question shows strengthening in Europe, espe- cially in extra-EU markets, while Asia and North America have lost ground. Naturally, these numbers are not surprising given the global economic impact of the pandemic, which does not appear likely to cease in the short term. The new wave of Covid-19 infections in the autumn and winter has in- cited machinery manufacturers to develop and imple- ment new operating modalities: many Italian companies have successfully introduced complex remote installation and maintenance procedures, ensuring their customers production continuity, particularly in sectors – such as packaging and medical – that have suffered less from the crisis. Moreover, the cost savings deriving from reduced in-person technical service may be an important innova- tion for the future. These new work modalities are possible thanks also to the ongoing research and development by the Italian manufac- turers in an Industry 4.0 perspective, which makes it pos- sible to offer interconnected machinery for increasingly sophisticated, custom- fi tted production systems. Addition- ally, increasing computerization makes it possible to collect an enormous quantity of data that will contribute signi fi - cantly to optimizing production line performance. While the pandemic has temporarily distracted public opin- ion and softened negative criticism of plastics, technology suppliers have continued their research into energy-saving solutions for ef fi cient processing of recycled materials with- in a vision of circular economy. At the same time, the enact- ment of the so-called “plastic tax”, which has been so wor- risome for businesses in the sector, has not been abrogated but only postponed to 1 July 2021. It is dif fi cult to make forecasts for the new year, mainly because of the uncertainty that continues to surround the pandemic, which conditions markets and companies’ in- vestment planning. A rebound is likely, once again thanks to the impulse from exports, which have always been the mainstay of the Italian plastics and rubber industry, but it is not likely that it will be of such magnitude that we will soon see fi gures similar to those in the pre-crisis period. AMAPLAST www.amaplast.org