Extrusion International 3-2019
22 Extrusion International 3/2019 INDUSTRY NEWS Recycling Plant for Plastics to Japan The ALBA Group, one of the leading recycling and environ- mental services and raw materials providers worldwide, is ex- panding its engagement in Asia. In Tokyo, as part of the Japan trip of the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, the com- pany signed a cooperation agreement for the construction and operation of a recycling plant for PET (polyethylene terephthal- ate). It is the first ALBA plant on Japanese soil. Together with its local partner, the private waste management company SEIU Japan Ltd., Co., the Berlin companywill set up the plant in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The plant for the produc- tion of PET flakes and PET pellets will have a capacity of 35,000 tonnes per year and will go into operation in 2020. These prod- ucts will then be processed into recycled material for the plastic- processing industry. ALBA Group www.albagroup.de Colloids Group www.colloids.com Innovative New SpecialtyMasterbatch Products Colloids exhibited at Chinaplas 2019. The Colloids Group, which is part of the multinational Tosaf Group, has sales, pro- duction and R & D facilities in the UK and China, globally sup- plying high quality masterbatches, compounds and additives to OEMs, convertors, polymer producers and compounders. The Colloids stand at Chinaplas this year showcased the latest product innovations developed by Colloids’ R & D team: new Specialty black masterbatches for agricultural films and automo- tive interiors; a new plastic component laser marking compat- ible masterbatch range; a new T-TEC ® Signal Orange (RAL 2003) high performance masterbatch for high voltage components in hybrid and electric vehicle engines. These four new products are key specialtymasterbatchadditions to theColloids rangeof black, white and colour plastic masterbatch products and performance enhancing polymer additives which includes: anti-fog, anti-static, anti-wear/friction, anti-block, anti-slip, anti-stick, fire retardant, UV protection, anti-bacterial and biodegradable grades. Colloids has developed a new high UV protection black master- batch to high speed extrude black polyethylene (PE) products for the agricultural market that need to cope with prolonged outdoor exposure to direct sunlight. This innovative new UV black masterbatch has been successfully used for extruding improved quality overground ‘drip design’ PE pipe, tape and lay-flat tubing crop irrigation systems. To maximize process- ing and UV resistance performance, the formulation combines optimized carrier and anti-oxidant systems with a high quality carbon black pigment which helps to produce PE drip irrigation products expected to last aminimumof two growing seasons in a temperate climate. Polypropylene (PP) foams used in automotive interiors must meet stringent volatile organic compound (VOC) emission re- quirements to minimize fogging and odour levels in new vehi- cles. Colloids new low VOC black masterbatch has been tested according to VDA 278 for automotivematerials andmeets lead- ing global automakers’ emissions criteria for volatiles. High in- tensity black coloured interior PP foam products can, therefore, be producedwith no additional residual VOCs being introduced in the formulation, or due to degradation of the black master- batch during processing. Colloids has recently developed the new L-TEC ® laser marking compatible masterbatch range which enables plastic compo- nents to be permanently laser marked or etched with key prod- uct information and branding in either a light or dark mark in- stead of ink printing or engraving. The Colloids T-TEC ® high temperature masterbatch range, de- signed for high performance engineering polymers used in au- tomotive, electrical, industrial and consumer appliances, now includes a new Signal Orange (RAL 2003) grade, which is the regulation colour specified by hybrid and all-electric vehicle en- gine manufacturers for high voltage electric cable and connec- tor applications. The T-TEC ® range can be supplied in either Col- loids’ proprietary universal carrier, suitable for small mouldings, or in a specific polymer carrier. For high voltage engine com- ponent applications, T-TEC ® Signal Orange (RAL 2003) in PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) engineering polymer carrier is now available, providing resistance to continuous temperatures up to 200°C (392°F), with short-termresistance up to 260°C (500° F). At Chinaplas 2019Colloids showcased innovativenewSpecialty masterbatches, includingT-TEC ® Signal Orange (RAL 2003) high temperaturemasterbatch, available inPEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) carrier for high voltage electrical component applications for electric andhybrid vehicle engines (Stockphoto courtesy of Colloids)
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