Extrusion International 3-2019

Extrusion International 3/2019 The Extrusion International Digital Magazine is published bimonthly by VM Verlag GmbH. P.O.Box 501812, D- 50879 Cologne, Germany EDITORS Bettina Jopp-Witt (Editor-in-chief) Tel. +49 221 546 1539 redaktion@vm-verlag.com Dmitry Kosuch Tel. +7 996 730 0113 d.kosuch@vm-verlag.com ADVERTISING SALES Martina Lerner Tel.:+49 6226 971515 lerner-media@t-online.de ADMINISTRATION Alla Kravets Tel. +49 2233 949 8793 a.kravets@vm-verlag.com PRINTING h-mailconcept e.K. directmarketing Venloer Str. 1271, Cologne, Germany SALES REPRESENTATIVES Quaini Pubblicita (Milano IT) Tel. +39 02 39216180 grquaini@tin.it Worldwide Services Co., Ltd., (TAIWAN) Tel. +886-4-2325-1784 global@acw.com.tw Tokyo PR Inc. (Japan) Tel. +81 (3) 3273-2731 extrusion@tokyopr.co.jp Reprints, Translation etc No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. www.extrusion-info.com