Extrusion International 3-2022
37 Extrusion International 3/2022 Quality Control – Case Study Latin America confrm the decontamination effciency of this technology. MRS jump Extruder with high surface exchange rate and a viscosity boost in one single extrusion step With the new MRS jump extruder, which is nominated for Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2022, theMRS screw section has been modifed and extended so that, in com - bination with a vacuum unit developed for this purpose, the viscosity of the polyester can be raised and/or stabi- lised to the desired level directly in the extrusion step. The new MRS jump version of the extruder dramati- cally increases the surface exchange rate under vacuum, so that partial polycondensation takes place within the extruder. For the frst time, the processing of recycled materials with low or highly fluctuating input viscosi - ties, like post-consumer tray grinds, is possible in only one extrusion step and real upcycling is achieved The high degassing effciency of the MRS jump Extrud- er makes it possible to comply with EFSA and FDA limits without time- and cost-intensive upstream or down- stream material treatment. Fast and energy-saving preparation and viscosity increase in the melt phase with the JUMP polyreactor The JUMP is a compact, quick and effcient alternative to conventional SSP (solid state) systems and enables di- rect reintroduction of the polymer into the production process without the need to remelt the polymer. The reactor, which was specially developed for recy- cling, is installed directly downstream of Gneuss pro- cessing unit and the polymer passes over several rotat- ing stirring and conveying elements, creating a polymer flm, the surface of which is constantly renewed. The re - actor vessel is kept under vacuum, through which vola- tile substances are reliably removed. By regulating the residence time in the reactor, the vacuum, the fll level and the speed of rotation of the agitating devices, the polycondensation reaction can be altered to achieve the required product properties. With the IV booster JUMP, the viscosity of polyester is flexibly lifted to the desired level. Extended limits for polymer recycling The extrusion systems MRS and MRS jump , the polyre- actor JUMP and the Gneuss Rotary Filtration Systems of- fer a large number of exciting possibilities for recycling many different polymers. Their unique designs circum- vent a wide range of restrictions which are encountered with conventional technologies. Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH Mönichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany www.gneuss.com Rotary FiltrationSystemRSFgenius onMRS Extruder Polyreactor JUMP withMelt Filter RSFgenius Gneuss at PRSE: Stand A12
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