Extrusion International 5-2019
44 Extrusion International 5/2019 MEASURING TECHNOLOGY Dr. Hilmar Bolte, Research & Development Head of Analysis, SIKORA AG Since 1993, SIKORA AG has been providing digital X-ray measuring technology for non-contact online measurement of diameters and wall thicknesses in cable production. In 2003, the product portfolio was broadened to the hose and tube industry. Meanwhile, more than 2,000 SIKORA X-ray measuring devices are in operation worldwide. From time to time, however, the potential of the principle is underestimated. Often even reservations against X-ray in general exist, partially influenced by referring to radioactive radiation. Contrary to this, X-rays can be turned off when not in use. Furthermore, products, which are measured by X-ray, are not contaminated by radiation, meaning, they do not radiate further. Even when in operation, the devices are safe from radiation and working in close vicinity does not bear any risk, even long-term. This ensures a safe and smooth handling of this technology X-ray is known as imaging technol- ogy in medical diagnostics. In gen- eral, two dimensional images are be- ing generated that allow the doctor to look into the body of the patient. It is displayed in grayscale, resulting from the different absorptions of the X-rays when traveling through the body of the patient. For X-rays, ma- terials have a different transparency. Due to these differences in trans- parency, it is possible to see where the material begins and where it ends. Tissue, for example, is more non-transparent for X-rays than the bones embedded therein. The same applies when using X-ray in measuring technology. It allows Digital X-ray Measuring Technology in the Production of Hoses and Tubes Picture 1: Designand functional principleof the measurementwithX-ray technology Picture 2: X-ray imageof ahand (left) and intensity profileof a single layer tube (right) in comparison
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