Extrusion International 1-2025-USA
31 Extrusion International 1/2025 Traceability also helps provide quick diagnosis of any problems. A Rinco technician, with the help of remote maintenance using an internet connection, can quickly identify any issues and, in many cases, directly correct any param- eter errors immediately, reducing valuable downtime. At MD&M West, Rinco also high- lighted its next-generation Stan- dard Series workhorse line of ultra- sonic welders, available in 20kHz, 35kHz, and 70kHz frequencies. They have been signi cantly up - graded with enhanced pneumatics, the latest in user-friendly features, and a fresh new look. The next-generation Standard Series also boasts a completely new graphical, ergonomic, and intuitive user interface. This user-friendly fea- ture affords operators much greater exibility, access, and speed. The user interface is easily operated via a built-in 10-in color touchscreen monitor which provides quick and easy operation. The new touch pan- el generator face has a user-friendly interface which includes advanced weld data graphing. The user interface also provides programmable password protec- tion, offering many levels of digital security and protection. Improved weld data transfer and storage is signi cantly enhanced with auto - matic transfer of welding results to internal and external data carriers and network drives. The new Standard Series also of- fers permanent audit trails so us- ers can track all system errors and adjustments. To ensure quality and process traceability, all events and changes to the parameters are au- tomatically stored in an audit trail protocol. Non-volatile storage of all weld alerts and process changes makes setup tampering impossible. This permanent audit trail along with the Standard Series’ ISO 13485 and Class 6 cleanroom certi cations help medical device manufacturers comply with unique regulatory re- quirements. The new Standard Series also comes equipped with a patent- ed machine status indicator on the front of the machine. A light strip indicates machine status (ready=green, error=red) thus alerting the operator to good and bad parts. The Standard Series machines boast a robust design and ultra-rig- id construction, offering versatility, superior performance, and opti- mum functionality. The Standard 3000 and 745 are also available with stainless steel housings for use in cleanrooms. Moreover, the Stan- dard 3000 CR is certi ed to ISO class 6. The Standard 50 is targeted for micro components such as those used in demanding microelectron- ics applications. Rinco Ultrasonics www.rinco-usa.com Plastic Film Recycling Directory Launched The Flexible Film Recycling Al- liance (FFRA) has announced the launch of its new Plastic Film Recy- cling Directory. This new resource aims to increase plastic lm recy - cling rates across the United States by improving consumer access to recycling collection points, and pro- viding clear educational resources on how to responsibly recycle plas- tic lm. The directory is part of FFRA’s commitment to fostering greater transparency, collaboration, and progress in plastic lm recycling. FFRA has pledged the following: •ResponsibleCollaboration:FFRA is developing a verification pro- gram in partnership with third parties, and will work closely with collection and recycling partners to maintain integrity in recycling efforts. • Stakeholder Engagement: FFRA will address all constructive inqui- ries, share its responses publicly, and encourage stakeholders to sub- mit requests to evaluate the alli- ance’s impact. • Candid Transparency: Within two years of the directory’s launch, FFRA will publicly share veri ed data on its impact and progress to- wards increasing recycling rates. “We are excited to launch the Flex- ible Film Recycling Alliance’s Plastic Film Recycling Directory,” said PLAS- TICS Vice President of Sustainability, Patrick Krieger. “FFRA’s priorities include ensuring consumers know where to recycle plastic lm and feel con dent that their materials are being properly recycled. We believe this directory will play a critical role in increasing plastic lm recycling rates across America.” Retailers and recycling depots collecting plastic lm are encour - aged to join the directory. For in- clusion, contact Kurt Kurzawa at kkurzawa@plasticsindustry.org. The Flexible Film Recycling Alli- ance, an initiative of PLASTICS, is dedicated to improving exible lm recycling by advancing access, education, and recycling rates na- tionwide. Through its efforts, FFRA seeks to advance a more circular economy for plastic lm products. For more information: https://plastic lmrecycling.org/ Patrick Krieger
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