Extrusion International 2-2024-USA

22 Extrusion International 2/2024 INDUSTRY NEWS Strategic Collaboration Agreement Signed International engineering federation FIDIC (the Inter- national Federation of Consulting Engineers) has signed a strategic memorandum of understanding agreement with environmental non-profit the Solar Impulse Foun - dation (SIF) that will see the two organisations col- laborating to advance sustainable solutions and drive positive change in the construction technology and con- sulting engineering sectors. The Solar Impulse Foundation is a non-profit organ - isation founded by explorer and clean technology pio- neer Bertrand Piccard. Following the success of the first round-the-world flight in a solar aircraft, its mission is to accelerate the adoption of solutions capable of protect- ing the environment in an economically viable manner. It thus reflects the unifying and realistic approach of its founder around ‘qualitative economy’. Demonstrating that it is possible to address envi- ronmental challenges without undermining economic development, the foundation achieved its first goal in April 2021 of identifying and labelling 1,000 ‘effective solutions’, assessed as clean and cost-effective by inde- pendent experts. While continuing to grow its portfolio of solutions, Bertrand Piccard and the foundation seek to facilitate the emergence of these technologies on the market by advocating for the modernisation of the leg- islative framework and by publishing guides to accom- pany political and economic decision-makers in their ecological transition. Commenting on the signing of the MoU, FIDIC CEO Dr Nelson Ogunshakin said: “One of FIDIC’s core values is sustainability and I am delighted that we will be work- ing closely with Solar Impulse Foundation over the next three years collaborating on a range of projects and ini- tiatives that will help to make our industry – and indeed the world – more sustainable.” Founder of the Solar Impulse Foundation, Bertrand Piccard, said: “Engineers play a pivotal role in procuring cleantech for projects, essential for driving the construc- tion industry towards a cleaner, more efficient future. Let’s empower them to seamlessly integrate innovative solutions into every design. Leveraging the Solar Im- pulse Foundation’s portfolio of readily implementable solutions, FIDIC and its members gain a powerful ally. Together, we’ll launch educational, inspiring and moti- vating initiatives to empower the change-makers within our industry.“ FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers https://fidic.org/ Solar Impulse Foundation founder Bertrand Piccard and FIDIC CEO Dr Nelson Ogunshakin Chemically Recycled Products with up to 100% Sustainable Feedstocks All of ELIX’s Circular Economy activities come under the E-LOOP brand name, with two strategic programmes from ELIX Sustainable Portfolio Solutions: Circular Plastics and Responsible Innovation. E-LOOP CR products are manu- factured with sustainable and certi- fied raw materials that incorporate circular and bio-based feedstocks. These products are certified accord - ing to ISCC+ and the mass balance model is used to ensure traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain. Different combina- tions of feedstocks are possible as there are different sources for the 3 main monomers: fossil fuel-based feedstocks, chemically recycled post-consumer waste and bio-based feedstocks. CRproductswith a content of up to 100% more sustainable feedstocks are now possible, meaning that all 3 monomers (Acrylonitrile, Butadiene, Styrene) can be replaced. Depending on the final mix of monomers, reduc - tions in CO 2 emissions of more than 90% can be achieved compared to prime grades. All products from the ELIX Polymers portfolio can be pro- duced as CR grade, including applica- tions with the strictest requirements, such as food contact, light colours and even medical parts. The material properties remain the same, so there is no need for new material approv- als and all of the available technical data can be used. First OEM approv- als have already been received from various industries. ELIX Polymers was the first ABS producer to receive yellow cards for its E-LOOP products with certi- fied raw materials, as requested by E&E customers and consumer goods segments. ELIX Polymers www.elix-polymers.com circular-economy@elix-polymers.com (Photo: ELIX Polymers)