Extrusion International 2-2024-USA

50 Extrusion International 2/2024 NPE2024 tion is a drum containing multiple satellite single screws, driven by a ring gear and pinion transmission. The satellite screws rotate in the opposite direction to the main screw. This disproportionately in- creases the surface exchange of the polymer melt. A large opening for venting, exposing the full length of the satellite screws, is completely under vacuum. This provides excel- lent and unrestricted access to the polymer melt, the surface of which is constantly replaced at an extremely high rate by the action of the satel- lite screws in the multiple screw sec- tion. The surface area – and the sur- face area exchange rate – available for devolatilization are far greater than in other extrusion systems. As the thermal and mechanical stress on the polymer melt is minimized, reclaim processed on the MRS ex- truder has excellent optical and me- chanical properties. In a single, simple extrusion step, harmful contaminants can be re- moved so thoroughly that the re- sulting recycled pellets are safe for use in food contact applications. The MRS 130 on display at NPE is designed for the processing of 1000 kg/h (2,200 lbs/h) of R-PET or 750 kg/h (1,700 lbs/h) of polystyrene or polypropylene reclaim. Vacuum system Gneuss has developed its own vacuum systems for the extraction of volatile impurities, some of which have patented separation systems. Due to the large melt surface in the MRS extruder, the suction capac- ity is considerably higher than in conventional systems, so that large quantities of volatile impurities can be extracted from the polymer and separated from the vacuum flow by means of automated separator systems. In addition to a water ring pump vacuum system, Gneuss also offers deep vacuum systems with appropriate separators. The vacuum system on display is a water ring pump system designed for vacuums of 25 to 40 mbar and offers high automation and process control with low maintenance, even in recycling applications. Gneuss Filtration Technology Gneuss’ top model, the RSF genius , operates with an integrat- ed back-flushing system offering self-cleaning for very demanding applications and highest quality requirements. Screens can be au- tomatically re-used up to 400 times and filtration finenesses below 10 microns/1200 mesh are avail- able. There will be an RSF genius 150 on display, with an active screen area of 450 cm2/70 square inches, for 1000 kg/h (2.200 lbs) of R-PET with a filtration fineness of 75 microns (200 mesh). Retrofitting a fully-automatic RSF genius to an existing extrusion line, whether in a pelletizing, sheet, fiber or pipe application, permits the use of more contaminated (and often cheaper) material and/or the use of finer screens. Every retrofit is tailor-made and usually with- out the need to move any existing equipment. There will also be an SF neos and a KSF model on display. These filter series also operate continuously and process constant, but do not offer backflushing, therefore these sys - tems are for applications that don’t require self-cleaning. The SF neos series operates au- tomatically as well as process and pressure constant. It is suitable for a very wide range of applications in- cluding foam sheet, battery separa- tor film or PVC, and is characterized by a large active screen surface area compact design, as well as extreme- ly easy and safe operation. Screen changes do not have any influence on the product quality. The KSF series is designed spe- cifically for applications with fre - quent material type, grade or color changes as well as for high pressure applications like blown film. The KSF screen changers are compact and offer excellent value for money while permitting simple and quick screen changes on the fly without disturbing the process. Online viscometer VIS OMNI recycling systems as well as any other extrusion line can be equipped with the innovative and compact VIS online viscosity mea- surement system, which will also be on display at NPE. Using a high- precision, rigid gear pump, a small partial flow of polymer melt is di - verted from the main melt chan- nel and forced through a precisely manufactured slotted capillary. The data measured there can be used to improve quality assurance. When processing PET on an OMNI recycling line the viscometer allows precise control of the end product viscosity. Gneuss Measurement Technology Gneuss provides flexible sensor so - lutions for pressure and temperature measurements, individually tailored to your application. Abrasion, corro- sion, temperature, Gneuss offers the right solution for every challenge. Gneuss delivers fast – whether standard sensor or application-spe- cific customized solution. The flex - ible manufacturing structure allows shortest delivery times. In addition to standard-compliant pressure monitoring, Gneuss offers the necessary quality assurance of the measuring equipment. The latest generation of Gneuss sensors and pressure monitors com- municates completely digitally. Inte- grated RFID chips for digital gauge monitoring are available for all sen- sor models. Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH www.gneuss.com NPE2024: Booth W5181 Gneuss sensors with digital gauge monitoring