Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

20 Extrusion International 3/2023 INDUSTRY NEWS First Courses Held at the SKZ Training Center Quality  The German Plastics Center (SKZ) is pleased to an- nounce the commissioning of the Training Center Qual- ity (TZQ). The first course on "Practical assurance of col - or quality" was successfully held. The participants were pleased both with the opportunity to learn hands-on in the brand new laboratories and with a welcome gift. At SKZ, the second brand new building officially starts operation shortly after the model factory. At TZQ, the focus is on continuing education. The rooms fill with life around continuing education on topics such as quality assurance and quality management in industry. The seminar rooms can be extended by flexible walls to include connectable practical laboratories. This has created contemporary places of learning. The variable concept and the extensive possibilities pursue the goal of maximizing learning success. For example, the high- quality equipment also enables online training and hands-on training for participants. The proximity to the model factory and the large pilot plants makes it possible to view real production environ- ments, experience new quality assurance methods live or even simulate an audit in a production environment. "It was great to be able to access the new equip- ment and make the course even more practical. When you can put it directly into practice, learning content is simply better internalized. I look forward to preparing many colorists in the future with the possibilities of the TZQ in the best possible way for their tasks in everyday industry," says Linda Mittelberg, course instructor and group leader spectroscopy at the SKZ. "The equipment will be further expanded in the com- ing weeks. Various measuring devices as well as a blown film line will further improve our options. For now, I'm happy to see that the building is filling with life," adds Christoph Kreutz, Group Manager Quality. Colorist training is part of the future offering at TZQ. In addition, there will be a wide range of courses on quality assurance methods and quality management. SKZ clas- sics, such as the "Plastics Quality Tester" course, which has been established in the industry for years, will be modernized by the possibilities offered by the TZQ, thus ensuring a sound knowledge of all aspects of quality. Further information at: www.skz.de/bildung/kurse/ prueftechnik-qualitaetsmanagement, www.skz.de/bildung/colorist TZQ Director Christoph Kreutz (right) presents the first participants in the new premises with a welcome gift (Source: SKZ, Matthias Ruff) NewMelt Index Testers Save Time and Increase Repeatability  With the MFi5 and MFi7, Instron presents a new generation of melt index testers for a wide range of tasks, from monitoring incoming materials to product development and process control. The compact, manu- ally operated MFi5 is ideal for fast and reliable mea- surements thanks to preset methods, while the modu- lar MFi7 can be flexibly adapted to accommodate an increasing volume of testing. Both are suitable for test temperatures from 50 to 450 °C and are equipped with test weights from 0.1 to 21.6 kg. A piston travel trans- ducer resolution of 0.005 mm and a piston displace- ment accuracy of up to 0.02 mm enable particularly ac- curate measurements. They thus cover the entire range of requirements for standard melt index tests in accor- dance with ISO 1133 and ASTM D1238, Methods A, B and C. Each System is operated via a 7" capacitive color touchscreen. Optional equipment for MFi5 and MFi7 includes a motor-driven cuttingdevice for precise, repeatable sep- Instron's new MFi7 melt index tester during fast, software-assisted self-installation (© Instron)