Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

29 Extrusion International 3/2023 oped by Starlinger. In the IC*STAR production process, the cut sacks run through a welding device in which a coated sealing strip is weld- ed onto the bottom of the sack in a continuous process using hot air in order to close it. IC*STAR sacks are characterized by material saving production, excellent protection of the product, and high strength com- bined with low packaging weight. The production software provider GRAFiT was also at the Starlinger stand during interpack. The Star- linger subsidiary offers software systems for the control and moni- toring of production lines as well as product tracing which are installed also on Starlinger production lines, among others. Based on reliable in- formation from the production line, the software provides a clear over- view of all processes, enabling an objective analysis of the production process. The Austrian platform “Packaging with a Future” was also presented at the Starlinger booth and provid- ed information on circularity in the packaging industry. Starlinger & Co Ges.m.b.H. www.starlinger.com Note: IC*STAR® is a registered trademark. IC*STAR® sacks are produced exclusively on Starlinger machinery. Circular Plastomers and Elastomers Based on Renewable Feedstock Recent years have seen a steady increase in the demand for high- performance plastomers and elas- tomers that combine the physi- cal properties of rubber with the processing advantages of a ther- moplastic material. This trend has been accompanied by a growing urgency in the demand for sustain- able solutions that offer the same material performance but with cir- cular content and a reduced carbon footprint. Borealis’ production location in Geleen, the Netherlands, is the pro- duction site for Queo™, Borealis’ range of high-performance poly- olefin plastomers and elastomers. In March 2023, the facility received the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC PLUS), thus enabling Borealis to introduce a new product line to meet custom- er demand for circular solutions: the Bornewables™ line of Queo. Produced with ISCC PLUS–certi- fied renewable feedstock, the new line represents an expansion of the Bornewables portfolio of circular polyolefin products, which offer the same material performance as fos- sil-based polyolefins, yet decoupled from fossil-based feedstock and with reduced carbon emissions. Produced using proprietary Bor- ceed™ technology, Queo products bridge the performance gap be- tween conventional plastics such as polyethylene (PE) and conventional elastomers like ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM). Applica- tions include automotive, flexible and rigid packaging, housewares, and wire and cables. The Bornewables line of Queo products is ISCC PLUS certified based on a mass balance approach, a chain of custody model that makes it possible to track, trace and verify sustainable content from feedback through to finished product. Bornewables feedstock is derived solely from waste and residue streams: from vegetable oil products as well as oil waste and residues – for instance, used cook- ing oil. The use of renewable feedstock is a key component of Borealis’ Circular Cascade approach, which illustrates how the company aims to lead the transformation of the plastics industry from linear to cir- cular production. The launch of circular plastomers and elastomers represents another step towards Borealis achieving its circular economy targets: by 2025, Borealis targets a four-fold in- crease in share of circular products and solutions to 600 kilotonnes per annum. By 2030, the volume of cir- cular product and solutions is set to reach 1.8 million tonnes per annum globally, turning today’s plastic waste into a valuable resource to be reused. Borealis Group www.borealisgroup.com