Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

34 Extrusion International 3/2023 34 INDUSTRY NEWS NPE2024: Sold Out Show Floor, Breaking Previous Records The Largest Plastics Trade Show in the Americas, Will Bring Industry Leaders from Around the World to Orlando, Florida, in May 2024. The Plastics Industry Associa- tion (PLASTICS) announced that exhibit space at NPE2024 has com- pletely sold out. With more than 1.1 million net square feet of ex- hibit space, this is a significant achievement 12 months ahead of the triennial trade show. NPE pre- viously surpassed the NPE2018 ex- hibit sales record in March at the NPE2024 Space Draw. “More than 2,000 exhibitors will participate in NPE2024: The Plas- tics Show in Orlando. Continued exhibitor enthusiasm reflects NPE’s importance to the global plas- tics industry," said Matt Seaholm, President and CEO of PLASTICS. “We are excited to showcase the latest advancements in plastic ma- terials, manufacturing, recycling and processing – including inno- vations from more than 180 first- time NPE exhibitors.” “NPE is more than a trade show; it is a hands-on experience. It’s where professionals across every industry gather to witness lead- ing-edge plastics innovation and technology while advancing their business, building partnerships, and unlocking new opportunities to build a more sustainable econ- omy,” stated Glenn Anderson, COO of PLASTICS. Exhibitors from 34 countries, including India, Italy, Germany and Japan, will be at the highly anticipated global trade show. With more than 55,000 attend- ees expected, NPE2024 will be the largest plastics event in the Western Hemisphere promising a unique “Made for You” experi- ence that surpasses previous NPE events. Registration will open on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. The latest advancements in products and services will be high- lighted in six sold-out technol- ogy zones, including an Advanced Manufacturing Zone, Bottle Zone, Materials Science Zone, Moldmak- ing Zone, Recycling & Sustainabil- ity Zone and Packaging Zone. "With an end goal of divert- ing 100% of the recyclable plastic waste generated during the event, sustainability is not just a category at NPE2024," stated Annina Don- aldson, Chair of the NPE2024 Sales and Marketing Committee. "Sus- tainability is a commitment incor- porated into every detail." “The onsite NPE recycling center will do more than reduce waste inside the Orange County Conven- tion Center – this dual-purpose space will serve as a live, interac- tive display for attendees to learn about the latest recycling tech- niques. Exhibitors will also be of- fered end-of-show recycling and donation opportunities for mate- rials they don’t want to ship back home to reduce our carbon foot- print,” Donaldson added. Companies interested in exhibit- ing at NPE2024 can visit NPE.org/ Exhibit to add their name to the growing exhibitor waitlist. Should space become available, prospec- tive exhibitors will be contacted in the order received, should space become available. NPE.org Glenn Anderson Annina Donaldson www.smart-extrusion.com