Extrusion International USA 6-2020

20 Extrusion International 6/2020 INDUSTRY NEWS New Location in Singapore „ Lindner has beendoingbusiness inAsia for over 20 years now. In recent years in particular, a greater awareness of the need to manage resources responsibly and, above all, to recover waste materials, has grown in the world’s most densely populated re- gion. The Asia-Paci fi c re- gion has become one of the largest growth mar- kets in the waste man- agement sector. Lind- ner Recyclingtech, one of the world’s leading suppliers of shredding technology and system solutions for recycling, is now strengthening its presence in the region with its new subsidiary in Singapore, thereby ex- panding its international service and distribution network. Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH www.lindner.com Certification In addition Millad NX 8000 ECO addresses concerns related to migration, especially in food contact applications, by re- ducing Speci fi c Migration Limits, or SMLs, without adding any new ingredients to the formulation. Millad NX 8000 ECO also maintains a consistent, fresh appearance in all re- tail lighting, regardless of the presence of UV light from the light source. [1] Download the Approval letter here: https://recyclass.eu/wp-content/ uploads/2020/10/2020-PP-001-Milliken-technology-approval-letter.pdf [2] PRE and APR are part of the Global Plastics Outreach Alliance. Where appropriate and applicable for Europe, RecyClass can approve technologies based on the results of tests conducted via APR protocols. Milliken & Company www.milliken.com „ Millad ® NX ® 8000 technology is fully compatible with poly- propylene (PP) recycling processes in Europe and poses no recyclability issues, according to RecyClass, a cross-industry initiative that works to advance plastic packaging recyclabil- ity on the continent. RecyClass approval applies to the technology itself, while the packaging using the technology must adhere to certain conditions[1] to be considered fully compatible with the PP recycling stream. These include the maximum content of the technology of 0,4% compared to the overall packaging weight. Testing was conducted by Plastics Forming Enterprise, in ac- cordance with the APR PP Critical and Application Guidance protocol[2]. Recyclates generated via recycling of packaging containing this clarifying agent can be used in high-quality applications. In this protocol a concentration limit of 50% is tested. Millad NX 8000, including its variants Millad NX 8000E, for PP blow molding applications, and Millad NX 8000 ECO, a sus- tainable clarifying agent for PP, is used by more resin produc- ers than any other, making it the number one clari fi er for PP in the world. Millad NX 8000 not only transforms polypropylene into a crystal clear alternative to glass, PET, PVC and PC, but boosts sustainability. Millad ® NX ® 8000 for PP certi fi ed by RecyClass for plastic packaging recycling in Europe (Photos © 2020Milliken & Company) “We already have very strong partners with whom we suc- cessfully implemented numerous projects in countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and also Australia. With the new service and sales hub in Sin- gapore, we’ve created a point of contact for partners and clients to better respond to individual local needs and also react quickly across time zones,” explains Gerhard Gamper, Sales Director at Lindner Asia-Paci fi c. Besides sales and lo- gistics staff, and contacts to help with the supply of wear parts, the site will also be home to highly quali fi ed service technicians trained directly at Lindner’s headquarters. These regional advantages, combined with the new hub, the sub- sidiary in the US and the European headquarters, mean our support team is now readily available to a much larger in- ternational customer base. “We set very high standards for our machines and in particular for our services worldwide. I am therefore delighted that we are now closing the loop with Lindner Asia-Paci fi c and will be even closer to our clients in future. That’s exactly what our service strategy is about,” summarises Gamper.