Extrusion International 6-2022-USA

9 Extrusion International 6/2022 Shenzhen together with Hong Kong in GBA shall generate synergy to expedite the global expansion of companies. For Shenzhen, with the strong policy support from the Central Government, it is expected to further grow into a center of innovation, en- trepreneurship, and creativity. Hong Kong, with its strengths as an inter- national trading hub, has long been a premium business platform to handle outbound investments from the main- land, including those to ASEAN and other RCEP members. These advan- tages shall give Shenzhen and Hong Kong a unique significance in such global expansion. In April 2023, CHINAPLAS will re- turn to Shenzhen, the gateway city to the GBA and RCEP, as well as the thriving innovation and technology hub in Southern China, converging different end markets and quality suppliers to foster collaborations and inspire innovations. The upgrading technologies and ever-smarter solu- tions in CHINAPLAS 2023 shall better assist the industry not only to capture these emerging opportunities in RCEP and GBA, but also to react fast in the rapidly changing market like now. It is expected that there shall be more than 3,900 renowned exhibi- tors in CHINAPLAS 2023, including 9 country/region pavilions from Aus- tria, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and Taiwan region. The 18 theme zones, located at Machinery Halls and Chemical & Raw Material Halls, shall cover injection molding so- lutions, extrusion machinery, 3D tech- nologies, recycling technology, smart manufacturing solutions, bioplastics, composites and high performance materials, thermoplastic elastomers & rubber, etc. CHINAPLAS has become a preferred platform for the plastics and rubber industries to debut new products and solutions, and showcase innovative materials and machinery technologies. Not to mention the cutting-edge tech- nologies and practical solutions from all over the world, many strong-rising Chinese technologies from local suppli- ers growing towards "Professionaliza- tion, Refinement, Specialization and Innovation" will also be introduced. Buyers from different application in- dustries, such as automotive, building materials, electronics & electric, medi- cal & healthcare, new energy, packag- ing, recycling, and sports & leisure, shall be excited about the technologies and solutions presented in the fairground. Besides the showcase, a lot of can't- miss concurrent events, including but not limited to a variety of seminars on the circular economy, smart manufac- turing, and design & innovation, will also be organized during CHINAPLAS 2023, making it a weighty occasion to explore the breakthrough and ad- vancement of plastics and rubber in- dustries. 
Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. www.chinaplasonline.com A lot of can't-miss concurrent events will be organized during CHINAPLAS 2023 CHINAPLAS has become a preferred platform to debut products and showcase innovative technologies