Extrusion 2-2025

Extrusion 2/2025 18 Branche Intern Sustainable Plastic Packaging Forum : In response to the challenge of sustainability of plastic packaging, Ad- sale Exhibition Services, the organizer of CHINAPLAS, will join hands with China Packaging Federation to launch the innovative business networking forum during the show period, which will bring together representatives from authoritative packaging organi- zations at home and abroad as well as experts from leading enterprises to discuss the sustainability of plastic packaging from an international per- spective and release the latest soluti- ons. Meanwhile, in Buyer Talk session, packaging managers of renowned brands will share their concerns about materials and processes, and exchange their difficulties and pain points in innovative packaging re- search and development, which reali- As China's manufacturing land- scape undergoes a profound trans- formation, the nation is strengthening its competitive edge in the global mar- ket. This evolution unveils novel op- portunities and challenges for plastics and rubber industries. At CHINAPLAS 2025, to take place at Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, PR China, on April 15-18, 2025 , the con- current events will reflect these indus- try shifts. With a focus on sustain- ability and innovation, the concurrent events will bring together industry leaders and experts to address the pressing challenges and explore emerging opportunities in the indus- try. These initiatives underscore the imperative for businesses to enhance cost-effectiveness through high-per- formance solutions, paving the way for a more sustainable future. CHINAPLAS 2025 – Integrating Latest Innovations and Solutions into Practice zes efficient docking between the up- stream and downstream of the indu- stry chain in the easy interaction among brands, products, materials and equipment suppliers. Advancing Towards a Sustainable Fu- ture – Breaking Barriers and Building a Plastic Circular Economy : The 6th Edi- tion CHINAPLAS x CPRJ Plastics Recy- cling and Circular Economy Confer- ence and Showcase, organized by CHINAPLAS 2025 and Adsale Plastics Network (AdsaleCPRJ.com), will make a strong return to Shenzhen on April 14, 2025 (one day before show ope- ning). The conference will feature a rich and diverse program, including thematic sub-forums, hot topic sa- lons, expert presentations, media in- terviews, as well as showcases of new products, materials and processing technologies. It is expected that over 60 speakers from China, the U.S., Europe, and Southeast Asia will share insights on the plastics recycling market and tech- nologies across industries such as packaging, automotive, 3C electronics, textile, etc. “The Plastics Circularity Journey” Production Line Live Demo : The plastic recycling industry is facing unprece- dented development opportunities. CHINAPLAS 2025 will focus on this hot trend. “The Plastics Circularity Jour-