Extrusion 2-2025
Extrusion 2/2025 19 ► www.ChinaplasOnline.com ney” Production Line Live Demo, themed around the circular economy of plastics, will comprehensively showcase the high-value utilization and advanced technology of plastic recycling through live demonstration. These two lines will highlight the themes of "Closed-Loop Bottle-to- Bottle Recycling" and "Turning Waste into Treasure", presenting the entire process of plastic recycling to the au- dience. The “Circularity: PET Food-grade Re- cycling” production line live demon- stration will include six processes: material sorting, extrusion granula- tion, metal detector, underwater pel- letizing, solid-state polymerization, and injection-blow molding. These processes will be provided by Meyer Optoelectronics, Aceretech, Sesotec, Polycut, and BPET. This is the first time the complete PET same-grade recy- cling production process is being showcased at the exhibition. The “Turning Waste into Treasure” production line live demonstration highlights the regeneration of PE plas- tics. From the crushing, washing, dry- ing, and sorting of post-consumer household bottles to re-pelletizing, this collaborative effort by Genox, Lauffer, and Aceretech demonstrates the complete circular economy value of PE plastics. Step into the Future of "green+smart manufacturing" at innoGreen Hub : Fo- cusing on automotive, electronics and electrical appliances, medical and high-quality manufacturing applicati- ons, innoGreen Hub will showcase cutting-edge injection molding tech- nology, innovative materials and digi- talized solutions. Discover Game Changing Technolo- gies for Sportswear and Sporting Goods Industry at“SportsTech Chic + Green” : “SportsTech Chic + Green” is a brand new event, specially designed to demonstrate game changing tech- nologies for sportswear and sporting goods industry. Through exchanges with the leading brands, technical ex- perts, R&D innovators, designers & fa- shion consultants, participants can gain insights on trend-responsive pro- ducts design and cost-effective manu- facturing to achieve sustained growth. Sports brands and manufacturers will participate in the thematic forum and visit the sports-themed display & in- teractive areas. Visitors will discover new ideas to adapt to shifting con- sumer preferences, embrace ecosys- tems, and take action on sustain- ability.
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