Extrusion 3-2020
14 Branche Intern Extrusion 3/2020 ➠ Adsale Exhibition Services Limited www.ChinaplasOnline.com Guangzhou has also launched work and production resumption policies. VDMA : The iconic CHINAPLAS 2020 to provide a positive impulse for the market China is one of the largest export mark- ets for the German plastics processing machinery industries. Therefore, the VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association has been keeping close eye on the latest developments related to the coronavirus outbreak. According to the German industry asso- ciation, no member company maintains production facilities in the particularly af- fected Hubei region, and also no mem- ber has yet reported a coronavirus in- flected case. Regarding when the market will return to normal, Thorsten Kühmann, Manag- ing Director, commented that many member companies expect the situation to slowly level off again in March, and the outbreak "does not change the fun- damental importance of the Chinese market for our industry in the future". VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association is one of the co-organizers of the CHINAPLAS 2020 concurrent event "Industry 4.0 Factory of the Fu- ture". Thorsten Kühmann believes the iconic industry trade fair "can certainly provide a positive impulse" especially when the Chinese economy is weakening as a re- sult of the coronavirus outbreak. VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery n The Chinese industries have been nor- malizing operations as the spread of the coronavirus was slowing down. Indeed, the plastics industry, among others, has to stay positive and prepare for the ex- pected market rebound after the epide- mic. As the leading industry trade show CHINAPLAS was confirmed to be resche- duled to early August, many of the exhi- bitors are already planning to strengthen their presence at the upcoming show. The official media of CHINAPLAS, CPRJ, has recently released the news about the resumption of operations and some exhi- bitors' responses: Most provinces across China have re- turned to work after an extended holi- day. The National Development and Re- form Commission stated that in some major economic provinces such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shanghai, the resumption rate of industrial enterprises above designated size exceeded 50%. Large enterprises are relatively quick to resume work and production compared with small and medium-sized enterpris- es. Upstream industries and technology- intensive enterprises are faster than downstream industries and labor-inten- sive enterprises. Meanwhile, governments at all levels have promulgated a number of policies to proactively coordinating the resumpti- on of production and work of enterpris- es, ensuring the stable economic deve- lopment. For instance, Beijing has intro- duced comprehensive financial support measures, Shanghai has set up tax re- duction and exemption targets, and The Plastics Industry paving the Way for Rebound Association said the coronavirus out- break has not yet led to significant deli- very problems in the German mechanical engineering industry. However, due to the long throughput times in mechanical engineering, it is possible that "these difficulties will only really become apparent in the coming weeks". Apart from slower production from ma- ny suppliers in other industries, the me- chanical engineering companies are also facing the challenges of logistics restricti- ons. At present, companies in Germany can still compensate for these difficulties by switching to other production locations or suppliers, but Thorsten Kühmann re- marked that "the situation must be reas- sessed from week to week". (Source: CPRJ) CHINAPLAS is re-scheduled to August 3- 6, 2020 to be held in Shanghai, PR Chi- na. Focusing on "Smart Manufacturing", "Innovative Materials", and "Green & Circular Solutions", the organizer is ex- pect to present 340,000 square meters of exhibition space, bring together 3,800+ renowned global exhibitors. Visi- tor pre-registration is opened and those who pre-register on and before May 22, 2020 will receive a visitor badge by mail in advance. Thorsten Kühmann, Managing Director, VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association
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