Extrusion 3-2020

16 Branche Intern Extrusion 3/2020 ➠ www.kuteno.de schuss für einen Neustart gesehen – wichtig für die Industrie und Wirtschaft Neuer Termin: 1.-3. September 2020 n Die Messe KUTENO, die vom 12.-14. Mai stattfinden sollte, wird auf die zwei- te Jahreshälfte verschoben. Der veran- staltende Carl Hanser Verlag reagiert da- mit auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Ge- meinsam mit Ausstellern und Netzwerk- partnern richte man den Blick nun nach vorne und arbeite mit vollem Einsatz für eine erfolgreiche Durchführung der Mes- se im September in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. Die Entscheidung erfolgte in enger Ab- stimmung mit Ausstellern, Verbänden und Netzwerkpartnern. In einer Online- Blitzumfrage des Verlages begrüßten knapp 80 Prozent der 326 Aussteller die vorgeschlagene Verschiebung. Der neue Termin wird dabei von vielen als Start- KUTENO verschoben Neustart nach den Sommerferien: Die KUTENO wird auf 1. bis 3. September 2020 verschoben (© Carl Hanser Verlag) ➠ www.targikielce.pl , www.plastpol.com held on a new date – from 6 to 9 Oct- ober 2020 . We will make every possible effort to hold PLASTPOL at the new date, but also to make it a supreme-level event. Not only will the trade show provide with the opportunity to meet customers and busi- ness partners, the opportunity to ex- change experiences and ideas on how to run a business in a new economic situati- on. This expo will also offer comprehen- sive promotional support for exhibitors. Polish and foreign media coverage, parti- cipation in radio and television shows, on-line advertising campaigns and at the exhibition grounds – this and much more available at the expo. We have been connecting business people for several dozens of years. We have enabled meetings and experience exchange, we have enhanced communi- cation and have been on a constant look for solutions which make companies de- velop even further. We are truly convinc- ed that you will demonstrate understan- ding for the situation we are all facing. We do hope you will also be involved in the developing PLASTPOL – the largest industry meeting in the region held on a new date.” n Andrzej Mocho ń , Targi Kielce Presi- dent of Board: “Because Poland’s go- vernment as well as governments of ma- ny other countries have announced epi- demiological threat, thus the situation makes it impossible for us to hold the PLASTPOL expo on previously announc- ed date, i.e. 19-22 May 2020. Following numerous, in-depth discussi- ons with our partners, exhibitors and ex- po guests, we resolved to postpone our region’s leading plastics and rubber indu- stry event. PLASTPOL – the International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing is Plastpol postponed ➠ www.equiplast.com turnout of more than 600 direct exhibi- tors, the joint celebration of Expoquimia, Equiplast and Eurosurfas is the leading trade fair platform for applied chemistry in Southern Europe, where all the initiati- ves that mark the future trends of three fundamental sectors for social and eco- nomic development will be on display. n Fira de Barcelona has decided to post- pone Expoquimia, Eurosurfas and Equi- plast, the three events of the chemical, surface treatment and plastics sectors, initially scheduled for 2nd to 5th June, until December. These three shows will therefore take place from 1st to 5th De- cember 2020 . The decision has been made in view of the current situation caused by COVID- 19 with the aim of holding the exhibition in a more positive environment. The pre- sident of Expoquimia, Carles Navarro, emphasised the support of most of the main industry agents, as well as the im- portance of preserving the event, which will have even more participants "in this year's international fair calendar." On the other hand, the president of Eu- rosurfas, Giampiero Cortinovis, has pointed out that "moving the show to December is the best option when consi- dering the current scenario", while the president of Equiplast, Bernd Roegele, has stated that "the logistic needs of Equiplast, which require some time for the transport and build-up of the equip- ment on display, make it advisable to hold it in December." With an expected Equiplast postponed in der Region. Weitere Informationen: