Extrusion 4-2017

35 Extrusion 4/2017 SICA S.p.A. Plastic pipe processing machinery Via Stroppata, 28, 48011 Alfonsine (RA), Italy www.sica-italy.com F or example, the Duet 125 automatic cut-off saw can reach hourly production rates of around 2000 pipes of 150 mm in length + sockets and more than 2300 pipes/hour of 500 mm length + sockets. At the same time, the system also guarantees the necessary cut length precision (toler- ance of ± 1 mm) thanks to the machine's CNC control system. This system allows perfect synchronization of the cutting unit with the pipe extrusion speed and conse- quent exact positioning of the unit at the required cutting dimension. Moreover, the machines are equipped with specific anti- wear tools to guarantee exceptionally high and enduring quality of the cutting/cham- fering process. The logical control system also offers ‘on the fly’ cutting capabilities (Sica patent EP129515), optimizing the use of the ef- fective stroke to further increase output in terms of the number of cuts/hour. Equipped with an intuitive icon-based graphic interface and a classic produc- tion system for preset sequences of lengths, the machine also features a new length sequences management system. Specifically, having entered the basic pro- duction parameters (extrusion speed, pipe diameter, capacity of downstream machines) the user can define the re- quired production batches, automatically optimized by the system in order to ex- ploit the machine's potential to the full. Intelligent planning of production se- quences in addition to the availability of libraries in which process parameters and user product dimensions can be stored, determines the definition of a new state of the art field in terms of versatility and ease of control. Given the large number of cuts that can be performed per unit of time, the ma- chine has been equipped with an extra- powerful cyclone-type dust exhausting system. The range of automatic in-line planetary saws in the Duet series (available in the Duet 125, Duet 160 and Duet 200 ver- sions) includes the Duet/K (cutting with knife without material removal for HDPE and PPR) and Duet/C (cutting with cham- fering unit and knife without producing chips inside the pipe) versions, in addi- tion to the standard model for PVC. Duet/C is particularly suitable for PP lines equipped also for the production of dou- ble-joint pipes. The machines are entirely based on elec- tro-pneumatic design eliminating all pos- sible problems linked to the use of hy- draulic actuators and hydraulic power packs, and are configured in order to op- timize total energy consumption. With this range of saws Sica responds to market demands for cutting at high ex- trusion speeds with reduced energy con- sumption, ease of use and control. Quality in its purest form. With passion, we develop future- oriented inspection and sorting devices for the quality assurance of plastic pellets, such as the PURITY SCANNER . – detects metallic and organic FRQWDPLQDWLRQ IURP ƏP RQ the surface and inside the pellet by X-ray and optical cameras – purest material and highly qualitative end products due to automated sorting – available with optical high- speed cameras as well as X-ray, color and infrared cameras for KLJKHVW ÁH[LELOLW\ ² HDV\ WR LQWHJUDWH LQ H[LVWLQJ feeding systems www.sikora.net/purityscanner Visit us from October 17-21 at Fakuma 2017 Friedrichshafen, Germany. A6-6110