Extrusion 4-2019

55 Extrusion 4/2019 AMUT GROUP www.amutgroup.com global plastics system based on circular economy principles. AMUT-COMI tested Ingeo™ PLA on its thermoforming machines using rolls pro- vided by Coexpan company. COEXPAN is the Grupo Lantero division specialized in the manufacture of rigid plastic foils and thermoformed products providing pa- ckaging solutions at a global scale. The results were good: serviceware made with Ingeo™ well performs in hot and cold applications. Other tests scheduled will involve AMUT/EREMA extrusion line now proposed for r-PET foil food contact approved production. AMUT and EREMA are working together to offer a similar technology also for PLA treatment through a direct extrusion process. Ingeo™ PLA is a thermoplastic material that shows high transparency, glossy and tear strength comparable with other thermoplastic materials such as PS or PP. It is easy to shape and has multiple end- of-life options including composting and ACF820 thermoforming machine Teknor Apex Company www.teknorapex.com pany featured the compounds at Inter- wire 2019. As thermoplastic elasto- mers, Flexalloy ® 89504-90 and -90FR compounds provide greater low-tem- perature flexibility than standard PVC and more capability to withstand re- Two PVC elastomer compounds for wire and cable insulation exhibit the enhanced performance required in di- verse demanding applications while providing manufacturers with new op- tions for versatility. Teknor Apex Com- High-Performance PVC Elastomer Insulation Compounds peated flexure over a long working life. Both grades have Shore A hardness rat- ings of 90, are UL recognized for Oil I and II as insulation, and meet the re- quirements of the VW1 (UL 83) flame test. The FR grade provides a greater level of flame resistance and has UL re- cognition for meeting the 720 hour sunlight resistance test in all colors. “Teknor Apex received dual UL recogni- tion for Flexalloy 89504-90 products as both “PVC” and “elastomer” com- pounds, enabling them to be used for all cable types within UL 62 and many wet-rated applications under UL 83,” said David Braun, wire and cable indus- try manager for the Vinyl Division of Teknor Apex. “In cases where these in- sulation compounds are matched with our extensive line of Flexalloy jacket materials, manufacturers can use Teknor Apex as a single cable com- pound source.” Typical application: welding cable recycling. The foils in made PLA assure a high food flavour and aroma preserva- tion, making them ideal for items that require a higher product protection. Therefore, using the PLA material for packaging applications not only boost environment preservation but also en- sures the maximum quality and efficien- cy of the products.