Extrusion 7-2019
tinuous loss-in-weight dosing system, which is employed in the continuous cycle processing plants (film, pipes, pro- files, plates in mono- and co-extrusion). This accurate dosing system is designed to handle up to seven components al- lowing a large number of configurations. The touch view control provides the fully automatic management of the producti- on parameters, including: control of the cooling ring, thickness control, haul-off control and extruder speed. A weighing system that guarantees max- imum precision thanks to the exclusive features of this project such as the balan- ced self-centering weighing system, the complete immunity to vibrations, the in- tegrated control that carries out 4,000 samples per second allowing to detect and automatically eliminate any impure data. The compact and modular struc- ture with stainless steel body and hopp- ers, ensures reliability over time and its application in particularly demanding sectors such as the food and medical ones. An extremely versatile dosing sys- tem, composed of weighed hoppers, with capacities adaptable to the recipe. In addition to the application for gra- nule, specific applications are available for the dosing of granule-powder and powder with dedicated systems and hoppers equipped with bridge breaking devices. DPK is a compact precise loss-in-weight dosing system, suitable for the dosing of small amounts of masterbatch or additi- ves. The masterbatch or additive to be dosed is contained in a hopper built in a specific transparent resistant acrylic ma- terial, free from electrostatic charges, which makes immediately visible the ma- terial content and the level of load. The hopper is easily removable without the use of tools guaranteeing a fast recipe changeover. DPK completes the wide range of Con- trex loss-in-weight dosing units and solv- es the problem of overdosing thanks to its extremely precise control. The technology of the load cells and the control algorithm, make DPK immune to the vibrations of the injection moulding machine, reaching dosing accuracy of up to ± 0.03%. Accuracy is guaranteed even at very low dosage speeds and is achieved by self-calibration and fine tun- ing of the step motor speed measure- ment. The dosing screw is inclined to en- sure a constant flow without the risk of overdosing the additive or the master- batch. The control of this dosing unit is supplied with a simple and intuitive touch screen interface, where it is possi- ble to memorize and recall product recip- es. DPK has an RS485 connection and is designed for connection to Mowis. In addition to the dosing units, other ex- clusive Contrex brand technologies will be displayed at K, such as the DISCO- VERY range of cooling rings, designed for large-scale productions and allowing the control and uniformity of the film thickness and width, guaranteeing pro- ductivity, consistent savings, energy effi- ciency and line efficiency. The range of automatic rings characterizes for high precision in controlling film thickness, thanks to thermal control of airflows. Besides the solutions dedicated to blown film production, Contrex technolo- gies extend also to profiles, pipes and granule extrusion with the range of continuous weighting hoppers with weight-meter control software. The wide offer includes exclusive automations in the control field. Regarding the supervision of the process, Contrex has developed the new “Navigator 9000”, an advanc- ed centralized control system capa- ble of supervising all the technolo- gies of the extrusion plant and ma- naging all the variables through a powerful calculator. Thanks to the exclusive “Batch Timing System”, the automatic start of the producti- on in just 3 minutes is guaranteed. Thanks to its open architecture, the sys- tem can be easily adapted to meet cus- tomer requirements, as well as upgrade needs. This flexibility allows you to install NAVIGATOR both on new systems and on existing systems. The easy and intuitive interface makes recipe creation and material changes quick and easy, reducing start-up time and production changes. The diagnostic module shows all system warnings and alarms complete with instructions and related actions to be taken. NAVIGATOR 9000 is designed for non- stop operation and for automated pro- duction environments where centralized management is required in order to achieve optimal production perform- ance. All the proposed solutions are studied and designed to respond to the specific needs of customers. Attention to detail and an aptitude for customization make Moretto and Contrex reliable and ideal partners for the development of an auto- mated and efficient production plant, capable of guaranteeing quality produc- tion. ➠ Moretto S.p.A. www.moretto.com K 2019: Hall 11, Booth H57 ➠ Moretto – Contrex www.contrex.com K 2019: Hall 11, Booth E65 102 Preview Extrusion 7/2019
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