Extrusion 8-2016
17 Extrusion 8/2016 www.kreyenborg.com Dryer Crystallizer Silos Mixers Big-Bag Stations Feeding Systems Dosing Equipment Turn-Key Solutions KREYENBORG is a leading provider RI VROXWLRQV LQ WKH ÀHOG RI EXON material handling for over 60 years. ➠ ASSOCOMAPLAST www.assocomaplast.org www.opcleansweep.org during the production of plastic articles. It is well known that discarded plastic packaging (caps, bottles and various containers) frequently ends up polluting seas and oceans. This may principally be attributed to the “bad habits” of consu- mers, who are often not sufficiently committed to recycling. However another, smaller, part of the problem is due to the release into the en- vironment of plastic pellets from the pro- duction process, which also end up in the waste stream. And this is why the plastics industry is called upon to take action to limit, if not prevent entirely using codified procedures, this loss of material. The Operation Clean Sweep programme appeals to the sensibilities of polymer producers, transporters, storage facilities and processing firms to adopt a number of best practices (often requiring very little effort), each in its own area of ope- rations. The machinery manufacturing industry is also implicated, albeit only marginally, since some minimum quanti- ty of granules may be lost during machi- nery testing and certification. Naturally, beyond the environmental benefits, companies also gain undeniable econo- mic advantages from reducing wastage of materials. Many companies have already joined the OCS protocol, which requires the imple- mentation of the following steps: 1) Commit to making zero pellet loss a priority, signing a formal written pledge. 2) Assess the company’s situation and needs (in compliance with applicable le- gislation): audit of operating facilities and equipment, establishment of com- pulsory employee procedures, identifica- tion of problem areas, sharing of experi- ences. 3) Appropriate upgrades to facilities and equipment. 4) Raise employee awareness and create accountability: establish written proce- dures for employees, conduct regular training, assign responsibilities to em- ployees and solicit feedback on the pro- gramme, use workplace reminders such as signs, stickers, posters, etc. 5) Follow-up and enforce procedures: routine inspections of facility grounds; sharing of best practices via the OSC website. By signing the protocol, ASSOCOMA- PLAST has shown its commitment to pro- moting the initiative in Italy. For more in- formation: ➠ Dinnissen Process Technology www.dinnissen.nl n Damit die Kunden eine neue Anlage bereits im Entwurfstadium erleben kön- nen, studieren Dinnissen-Ingenieure der Abteilung Process Technology die Mög- Einsatz virtueller Realität (Bild: Dinnissen) lichkeiten des Einsatzes virtueller Reali- tät. Gemeinsam mit dem Kunden gehen sie durch eine virtuelle Anlage, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur aus Bits und Bytes besteht. In der Abteilung Industrial Pro- cessing präsentiert Dinnissen gemeinsam mit VROOM diese neue Anwendung live als Anlage der Zukunft. Problembereiche frühzeitig erkennen – dies sind die Vorteile der virtuellen Reali- tät und der Anlagesimulation. Da der Kunde in „realer Umgebung“ gemein- sam mit dem Dinnissen-Ingenieur virtuell durch die Anlage gehen kann, können bereits während der Designphase vorher- sehen werden, auf was man in der Er- richtungsphase stoßen wird. So ergibt sich eine vollständigere Übersicht. Wartungsarbeiten können bereits vor Fertigstellung einer Anlage trainiert wer- den.
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