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Collin delivers core of extrusion for the innovation centre of Bischof + Klein

Collin delivers core of extrusion for the innovation centre of Bischof + Klein


After successful discussions and tests in the technical centre at COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions, the mechanical engineering company has landed the order for a blown as well as flat film line of the well-known big German film producer Bischof + Klein. „The line is the heart of the new B+K Innovation Centre in Lengerich, runs successfully and has now completely been accepted by the customer”, gladly says Andreas Vogt, Head of Sales at COLLIN, about the successful showcase project.

Combined blown & flat film line – films with a width of 400 mm and up to 5 layers


The line combines a blown film line including platform and turning bar with a flat film line. In the blown film mode, a COLLIN quintuplicate radial spiral mandrel distributor die is used. Flat films are realized via a COLLIN 5-layer feedblock in connection with a COLLIN flat film die at a chill roll. Furthermore, the combi-line is equipped with two winding stations – a central as well as a gap winder with different winding modes.

„We are very happy about the cooperation and the line, which combines many core competences of the COLLIN team. Our strong development and design as well as manufacturing department and the decades of experience of COLLIN in the field of laboratory lines for extrusion. Here, with our high-quality solutions resp. products, we are world market leader “, says DI Dr. Friedrich Kastner, CEO / Managing Partner COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions.

The complete line is controlled via the COLLIN software FECON, which collects and evaluates all essential process parameters and measuring data in real time.

„Thus, Bischof + Klein is in a position to produce films with a width of up to 400 mm and 5 layers “, explains Andreas Vogt, who is responsible for the sales of COLLIN lines in Germany and other countries.

Quick parameter as well as material change and low raw material input during the development of films were the reasons for purchasing this sophisticated combi-line from COLLIN. Moreover, the possibility to advance new concepts independently of the running production – and consequently without downtimes resp. production stop – also spokes for a separate laboratory line.

Innovation Centre for film development, presentations & customer demonstrations

With the Innovation Centre, Bischof + Klein offers a platform for B+K experts as well as customers and suppliers, who intensively focus on the development of new films and packaging solutions.

B+K Development Engineer Stephan Mund: „The COLLIN combi-line allows us to develop new recipes, make material tests or produce samples independently of the production. Also for presentations and customer demonstrations, we use this line. Furthermore, it provides an excellent test and development environment for IoT projects. “


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