Branche Intern
Extrusion 7/2016
Easyfairs Switzerland GmbH
www.schuettgut-basel.chNationale Leitmesse für
16.-17. November 2016, Basel
“Für jeden Prozess die richtige Tech-
nik”: So lautet das Leitmotto der diesjäh-
rigen SCHÜTTGUT Basel. Hier dreht sich
wieder alles rund um die Verarbeitung
und Bearbeitung von Granulaten, Pul-
vern und Schüttgütern jeglicher Art.
SCHÜTTGUT Basel 2016
Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.
www.ChinaplasOnline.com www.chinaplasonline.com/preregK 2016: Booth EN1-02
High-tech Materials
: The global trend
of pursuing a circular, low-carbon econo-
my, combined with demand for ever-in-
creasing product sophistication, is driv-
ing the need for high-tech materials. At
CHINAPLAS 2017, more than 1,000 sup-
pliers will showcase their latest offerings
in this area, including advanced compo-
sites and high-performance engineering
plastics. Be sure to check out the show’s
“Chemicals & Raw Materials Zone,”
“Composite & High Performance Materi-
als Zone” and “Bioplastics Zone.”
Green Solutions
: Conserving resources
and adopting eco-friendly materials and
technologies are keys for business sus-
tainability. To align with this trend,
CHINAPLAS 2017 will display a wide
CHINAPLAS 2017 (The 31st Internatio-
nal Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber In-
dustries), Asia's No. 1 plastics and rubber
trade fair, will participate in the coming K
Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany (19-26 Oct-
ober). It is a good opportunity to capture
global attention and promote CHINA-
PLAS new highlights on "
Manufacturing, High-tech Materials
and Green Solutions.
" Priority free re-
gistration and fabulous gifts are prepared
for every visitor passes by the booth.
CHINAPLAS is a dynamic, global trade
fair that showcases the latest plastics
and rubber technology. More than 3,300
Chinese and overseas exhibitors provide
material, machinery, automation, design
and processing solutions for every major
end market – from packaging and auto-
motive, to electrical/electronics, cons-
truction and medical. Enterprises of all
sizes will find answers to challenges
ranging from operation optimization and
cost savings to sustainability and new
product development.
Intelligent Manufacturing:
To be more
competitive, manufacturers have to up-
grade their production technologies and
product quality, and “smart manufactur-
ing” is one of the key strategies being
adopted to enable such continuous im-
provement. By adding an “Automation
Technology Zone” to its well-established
“Machinery Zones,” CHINAPLAS 2017
will present the latest intelligent manu-
facturing technologies to the plastics,
rubber and end-user industries.
CHINAPLAS shines its
Spotlights at K 2016
array of green solutions applicable to dif-
ferent manufacturing industries, while
also featuring a dedicated “Recycling
Technology Zone.”
CHINAPLAS 2017, in which 3,300+ exhi-
bitors and representatives from around
the world together with 12 country/ re-
gion pavilions will take part, will be held
16 - 19 May 2017
China Import
& Export Fair Complex, Pazhou,
Guangzhou, PR China
. Visitors who
successfully pre-register on or before
9 May 2017, can enjoy free admission.
CHINAPLAS 2017 will display a wide array of green solutions applicable to
different manufacturing industries
“Schüttgüter sind in vielen Industrie-
branchen Bestandteil des Produktions-
prozesses und stehen daher im Fokus ei-
ner effizienten und kostenbewussten
Strategie”, sagt Easyfairs-Event Director
Daniel Eisele. “Die SCHÜTTGUT Basel ist
ein unverzichtbarer Marktplatz für den
Standort Schweiz und zusätzlich eine
große Wissensplattform.”
Im Fokus der Fachmesse stehen die viel-
fältigen Verarbeitungs- und Verfahrens-
schritte – vom Zerkleinern und Mahlen
von grob- bis feinstkörnigen Materialien
über das Filtern und Trennen bis hin zum
Mischen, Agglomerieren und Formen.
Gezeigt werden Maschinen und Verfah-
ren für die Materialannahme, das Hand-
ling und die Verarbeitung, innerbetriebli-
che Prozesse sowie das Lagern und der
interne & externe Transport.