Extrusion International 3/2016
Successful entry into new Chinese growth markets
Agricultural film producer Anhui Excellent Plastic Film Tech Co. Ltd.
shows that it is possible
It is only three years since Liu Xian established Anhui Excellent
Plastic Film Tech Co. Ltd. in the Chinese city of Anqing, Anhui Pro-
vince. At that time, Mrs. Liu had neither any experience in the pro-
duction of plastic films nor did she dispose of the necessary
equipment. Her target was to become a leading film producer in
China. Today, only two years after starting production, the com-
pany is on the right track to achieve this target. Anhui Excellent is
one of the first producers of high-quality silage stretch film in
Instead of choosing a market like food packaging which has great
potential, but is already crowded with many good producers,
Anhui Excellent opted for a growth market that is still at a very
early stage of development in China: Agricultural stretch film. The
fact that this product needed a lot of know-how that did not yet
www.reifenhauser.com www.reifenhauser-bf.comf.l.to.r.: Mrs. Liu Xian (Share Holder, Vice-President,
General Manager of Anhui Excellent),
Mr. Jerry Yuan (Vice-General Manager,
Technical Director of Anhui Excellent),
Mr. Sheng Cheng Lin (President, Share Holder),
Mrs. Fanny Fan (Sales Manager at Reifenhäuser Plastic Machinery
Co. Ltd., Suzhou)
exist in China, was no obstacle for the foundress of the company.
Know-how can be acquired, is the opinion of Vice-president Liu
Xian. Much more important for success is good market potential,
the right decision for a line and cooperation with suppliers who are
more than only providers of technology. “It was clear to us that we
could only be successful with excellent system technology and a
partner who brings us the know-how needed for operation and
production of the end products. Crucial factors for our success are
the flexibility and reliability of the Reifenhäuser 3-layer blown film
extrusion line and the Reifenhäuser team we opted for.“
In addition to Reifenhäuser’s start-up support, Anhui Excellent has
taken experts from Australia on board who are already experi-
enced in the production of agricultural film. The investment has
paid off: Today, the product range includes agricultural stretch film
and packaging film. By now, the company has a leading position
in terms of film quality in China – an important prerequisite for fu-
ture success in a strongly growing market. In 2014, the production
of agricultural film in China rose by 14 percent. Over the next
years, the country anticipates a further continuous increase of the
production capacities. There should be no lack of consumers: Due
to a constantly growing population, China is considered to be the
fastest growing market for agricultural film, according to an ana-
lysis of Grand View Research.
Farmers can use agricultural stretch film to wrap hay bales. After
wrapping, fermentation is triggered which has a positive effect on
the nutritive value of the hay. While this technology is widespread
in Europe, North America and Australia, it is still in the initial stage
of development in China.
Technical data of the line Technology: Reifenhäuser EVOLUTION
Layers: 3; width: 2200 mm; max. output: 550 kg/h
Raw materials: LDPE, LLDPE, mLLDPE, PIB, PP, HDPE
Products: agricultural film, packaging film, lamination film