Extrusion International 5/2016
Advanced solutions
for pipe manufactures
aiming AT energy
t K-show 16’, Tecnomatic will introduce a further deve-
loped version of its extrusion series ZEPHYR in L/D 40,
both in a gearless and a traditional version (with gearbox).
ZEPHYR is the most performing extruder of Tecnomatic’s pro-
duct range, it boasts an array of advanced technical solutions
which makes them unique models designed for pipe produ-
cers looking for even more focused energy saving machines,
offering extreme output performance at lower melt tempe-
ratures. The innovation spans the entire extruder and inclu-
des new spiral grooved bush, screw and motors.
Pipe extrusion is highly dependent on electricity and most of
the energy usage is in operating the extruder. The Zephyr se-
ries has made this the utmost priority offering extruders with
increased screw length and smaller torque and AC water coo-
led motors, to assure same output of bigger size extruders
but with a better energy efficiency.
The new feed bush ensures minor friction, commonly gene-
rated by raw material transport, with subsequent increasing
of the specific and total throughput. The further develop-
ment in screw design, with optimization and enhancement of
torque and shearing elements, have improved the output but
have also led to process the material at lower melt tempera-
To meet the requirements for production efficiency the ma-
ZEPHYR 45.40 – 500 Kg/h
Pipe manufacturers have started
to think in terms of operation cost
efficiency, but without compromi-
sing the performance of the pipe
extrusion lines. Tecnomatic, which
will celebrate its 45 years of expe-
rience in the plastic sector, will
present at the next K-show inno-
vative solutions in pipe extrusion,
to assist customers not only by
supplying extruders and die-heads
but as well providing complete
production systems for a business
which is getting increasingly