4. bis 8. April 2016
präsentieren die beiden
Weltleitmessen wire, Internationale Fachmesse
Draht und Kabel, und Tube, Internationale Rohr-
fachmesse, bereits zum 15. Mal gemeinsam techno-
logische Highlights aus ihren Branchen auf dem
Die wire zeigt auf einer Fläche von rund 58.600 m
netto Maschinen zur Drahtherstellung und Verede-
lung, Werkzeuge und Hilfsmaterialien zur Verfah-
renstechnik sowie Werkstoffe, Spezialdrähte und
wire 2016: Hall 11 / D41
Tube 2016: Hall 05 / E17
Extrusion 2/2016
technique and linear sensor technology
are used.
The production of offshore Flexibles in-
volves complex process’s requiring vary-
ing individual performances for quality
control. Any deviations from the required
standards can risk horrific consequences
if failure occurs depending the applica-
tion scenarios. In order that the risks for
future product failure are eliminated dur-
ing the manufacturing processes, such as
wire drawing, profile rolling / extruding,
stranding and sheathing, ZUMBACH pro-
vides reliable solutions for the measure-
ment of all critical parameters.
All Components in View:
Zumbach will showcase its extensive
portfolio of Dimensional Measurement
and Inspection Systems for Wire Draw-
ing, Wire Insulating and Cable Jacketing
processes as well as for Rod and Bar
Mills. In order to achieve the highest pre-
cision and best price-performance ratio,
different technologies such as laser
scanning, X-ray, ultrasound, light-section
Any Offshore flexible can be measured with gauges from ZUMBACH
Material savings thanks to measure-
ment and control of eccentricity and
wall thickness
The versatile high-tech ultrasonic system
WALLMASTER offers application-specific
solutions for measuring and monitoring
wall thickness. The measuring data pro-
cessor with touch-screen display gathers
data and QC fully automatically.
In combination with ultrasonic UMAC
scanners and various ODAC
measuring gauges as well as with error
detectors, the measuring and monitoring
scale can be expanded to outside and in-
side diameter, statistics, SPC and proces-
sor communication.
Using Zumbach’s WALLMASTER mea-
surement and control systems, manufac-
turers can economise their expenditure
of raw materials. The ROI is achieved
within a few months. The use of these
systems also allows reducing considera-
bly the start-up time.
New ultrasonic scanners for flexible
diameter adjustment
This novel construction (pat. pend.) is
going to be one of the exhibition's high-
lights: the traducers can be either indivi-
dually or simultaneously adjusted to the
best possible measuring position within
seconds. The scanners represent a smart
and simple solution for full non-contact,
in-line eccentricity and wall thickness
measurement of cable jackets, tubes
and hoses.