Extrusion 7/2016
Quality in its
With passion, we develop future-
oriented measuring and control
devices for quality assurance of
hoses and tubes, such as the
. A non-con-
tact system for the measurement
of diameter, ovality, wall thickness
and sagging of large plastic tubes
with a diameter from 120 to 2,500
mm. An innovative solution based
on millimeter wave technology
that increases product quality and
cost savings during extrusion.
– easy operation without pre-
setting product parameters
– measurements independent from
material and temperature
– measuring results in real time
available for display and control
– reliable without calibration
www.sikora.net/centerwave6000Visit us from October 19-26
at the K 2016 in Düsseldorf,
Hall 10, Booth H21
Sukano AG
www.sukano.comK 2016: Halle 8a, Stand H28
sion flat film line from Dr. Collin. Both
machines will be installed at Sukano’s
global research and development center
in Switzerland. As a result, the company
will be able to produce multilayered films
as well as orient monoaxial and biaxial
films in-house for customers worldwide.
This unique offer from Sukano will dras-
Sukano, a world leader in the develop-
ment and production of additive and co-
lour masterbatches for polyester and
specialty resins, is launching its latest
matting agent additives masterbatches
terephthalate (BOPET) flexible packaging
applications and polyethylene terephtha-
late (PET) rigid packaging bottles, enabl-
ing a total gloss control of the final de-
sired product appearance.
This broad portfolio of matting perfor-
mance masterbatches allows customers
to make packaging with sophisticated
look and feel available at affordable let
down ratios. By enabling total gloss con-
trol of the final desired product appea-
rance, designers are finally able to have
total creative freedom with regard to
gloss/matte control for packaging of
their end products, including high light
Sukano’s new additions to its matting
agent masterbatch portfolio enable con-
verters to provide high-performance PET
bottles with a polyolefin-like low gloss vi-
sual look, while retaining all of the bene-
fit of the performance and features of
PET-based packaging.
For BOPET film applications, Sukano’s
experts have specifically developed a
new formula of matting agent to make
uncoated BOPET films appear very simi-
lar to coated flexible packaging, in terms
of visual aesthetics and low gloss effect.
This new innovative matting agent mas-
terbatch enables customers to finally
consider coating replacement.
As a world leader in the market for PET
and BOPET applications, Sukano is con-
tinuously looking for ways to improve
the look and feel of end products. “Our
innovations are the translation of brand
owner’s needs, reflected by consumer
preferences. Our latest matting agent
additive masterbatch is just one example
of our focused, agile reaction to market
needs, driven by our expertise”, explains
Alessandra Funcia, head of marketing.
Sukano is seeing very rapid and sustain-
able growth globally. In response to the
increased demand for its products and
services, significant investments are
being made this year, including the ins-
tallation of a Karo IV stretching machine
from Brückner and a multilayer coextru-
Total Gloss Control for PET Packaging with new Masterbatches
tically shorten development times and
speed up time to market for customers,
while reducing development costs.