Extrusion International 1/2016
The WPC Conference – more international than ever
There is no WPC conference that is as international as the
established AMI Conference, both with regard to the at-tendees
and the speakers. The Wood Plastic Composites Conference
2016 will be held from 7 to 9 March in Vienna, Austria. As in the
past, the headline sponsor is extruder specialist and WPC pioneer
battenfeld-cincinnati, which will invite participants to a very spe-
cial demonstration at its technical lab this year.
Since 2002, the British company Applied Market Information
Ltd. (AMI), Bristol, has brought together attendees from more
than 30 countries and all continents to inform them about the
newest technical innovations, market trends and market oppor-
tunities. Products made from wood plastic composite materials
have been in demand for years. The market volume has shown
consistently increasing growth rates, despite the cyclical
fluctuations that have been felt in this segment as well.
But the potential has not yet been fully exploited by far,
and there is a great demand for discus-sion and infor-
That is why the organizer is particularly proud to present
speakers not only from a variety of European countries,
such as Switzer-land, Spain, Belgium and Austria, but
also from the USA and India. Moreover, the topics on the
agenda offer useful information for attendees along the
whole value chain – from processing, to pro-duction, up
to sales.
battenfeld-cincinnati has already installed more than 260
extrusion lines for WPC processing worldwide. Functio-
nality, easy handling, process stability and cost efficiency
are the core features of all customized systems.
Apart from tailor-made downstream equip-ment, the machine
manufacturer offers single screw and conical twin screw extru-
ders for producing small technical profiles, as well as parallel
twin screw extruders for highest outputs.
A traditional feature of the WPC Conference is the technology
demonstration that headline sponsor battenfeld-cincinnati gives
at its technical lab in Vienna.
This year, the focus will be on WPC pro-files with which houses
can be built simply and quickly.
These can be set up in conflict areas to provide accommodation
for refugees, or to serve as mobile hospitals or administrative
“Simply Housing” project in the Philippines
(Photo © Simply Housing)
battenfeld-cincinnati offers a complete extruder series
for WPC/WFC processing. With the new degassing unit it
is possible to offer a maximum of process stability and
high outputs with little maintenance
One of the first WPC houses for emergency housing that was shown at battenfeld-cincinnati in 2011