affected.” Messe Düsseldorf and its
subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Moskau
OOO co-host both trade shows. UP-
cooperation with the Italian organiser
Visitors used the four-day event to
gather comprehensive information on
the current range of international
products. They unanimously provided
positive feedback on the undeterred
attendance of global businesses. In
turn, exhibitors were delighted by the
keen interest of the trade show visi-
tors who did not seem discouraged
by the fact that many Russian busi-
nesses are currently dealing with
major challenges. Project financing
was identified as one of the most
detrimental challenges, particularly
for medium-sized and small compa-
Despite the drop in orders, Germany
has not lost its rank as the most im-
portant supplier to the Russian plas-
tics and rubber processing market by far and has retained a
market share of 35.5%, followed by China with 14.9% and
Italy with 14.7% (2013). The current figures reflect the chal-
lenging situation facing the Russian consumer industries:
over the first eleven months of 2014, Germany sold plastics
and rubber machines worth EUR 141.9 million, down 30.7%
on the previous year’s results. In 2013, the global export of
plastics and rubber machines to Russia only dropped by 4.7
% compared to the previous year, totalling EUR 615.7 mil-
Bernd Nötel from the VDMA Association for Plastics and Rub-
ber Machinery knows that the Russian market is and remains
to be important for German machine manufacturers: “Ex-
perts are convinced that Russia’s per-capita consumption of
plastics products will rise steadily over the next few years.
This is a major opportunity for suppliers of high-end pro-
cessing machines. Investments are planned and necessary,
but many projects have been delayed because of the finan-
cial uncertainties resulting from the fast-changing exchange
rate. However, German suppliers are well aware of the im-
portance of their commitment at this particular point in time
and they are willing to attend interplastica in order to per-
sonally present new products and maintain good customer
relations in these difficult times. Both sides would like to see
more diplomatic efforts to defuse the current political conflict
and they are unwilling to jeopardize the traditionally good
relations between German companies and Russian business
partners. Russia still needs to enhance its value-added chain.
The raw material processing segment has seen first develop-
ments, all be it at a low level.“
Mario Maggiani, CEO of Assocomaplast, the Association of
Italian Machine Manufacturers confirms the essential impor-
tance of the Russian market. “Despite the fact that our ex-
ports to Russia have dropped by about one fifth, Russia is
and remains to be one of the five most important markets for
Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber machinery. Even
though we must anticipate similar results in 2015, none of
the Italian companies active in this market intends to with-
draw from it. The market has major long-term potential. The
current problems are caused by the weak rouble and the
massive interest on borrowings for those few companies that
were fortunate enough to qualify for loans in the first place.“
Among the Italian exhibitors at interplastica were many com-
panies with long-standing business relations in Russia, and
they are keen to maintain their personal contacts, which still
play a major role in the Russian business world. Also attend-
ing the event were many visitors from other CIS nations such
as Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
The wide range of international products and services pre-
sented by the exhibitors was enhanced by a support pro-
gramme that met with a keen interest from visitors of the
interplastica 2015. Complementary presentations and dis-
cussions with a focus on plastics recycling and bioplastics
were hosted at Polimer Plaza in Hall 1. In addition to this,
open seminars for exhibitors provided insights into current
developments in raw material production and application.
The next interplastica will take place from 26 until
29 January 2016 in Moscow, again in tandem with
Extrusion International 1/2016