Extrusion International 3/2016
Prepared for the Future -
Rectructuring successfully completed
The reorganisation of the BEKUM Group in Germany and Austria was successfully completed in spring
2016 as planned. The Production division, which includes machine assembly, shipping, procurement,
work preparation and warehousing, has moved to Traismauer (Austria), about 60 km from Vienna.
For this purpose, more than 5 million Euros were invested in the expansion of the Traismauer site and
approximately 40 new employees were hired.
BEKUM’s New headquarters
in Berlin
ndreas Kandt, CEO of BEKUM Maschinenfabriken GmbH
in Berlin: “The reorganisation provided us with the basis
for excellent market positioning. From our perspective, the re-
organisation results in considerable synergies not only on the
cost side but by pooling expertise and experience. As a pio-
neer and technology leader, we have repositioned ourselves
to continue shaping extrusion blow moulding through inno-
vation and high-end products for the future.”
BEKUM-Traismauer expanded
The aim was to consolidate the European manufacturing of
extrusion blow moulding machines at a single site. While pre-
viously only large blow moulding machines were built at Trais-
Andreas Kandt, CEO
“With approximately
16,000 BEKUM blow
moulding machines
delivered worldwide,
we have a great
responsibility to
support our
customers in their
production tasks
competently and,
above all, quickly.”