Extrusion 5/2016
Bruchweide 2, 28307 Bremen, Germany
www.sikora.netmit einer Bildverarbeitungssoftware analysieren und be-
werten die PURITY CONCEPT Systems kontaminiertes Ma-
terial auf der Basis von statistischen Daten und identifizie-
ren so mögliche Quellen für Kontaminationen. Diese Infor-
mationen tragen maßgeblich zur Prozessoptimierung bei.
hile the SIKORA PURITY SCANNER inspects online
plastic pellets for contamination and sorts contami-
nated pellets out automatically, the PURITY CONCEPT Sys-
tems are used for on- and offline inspection and analysis
of plastics material. They detect and analyze contamina-
tion from 50µm and assure the highest material quality
and stable production processes.
Online process control:
For monitoring production pro-
cesses the plastics material is tested during raw material
manufacturing on a random basis. The PURITY CONCEPT
Systems inspect material samples directly from the produc-
tion and provide the material producers with valuable in-
formation about their processes.
Incoming goods inspection:
Sophisticated products such
as for example medical tubes require a reliable control and
processing of raw materials. In the different processes of
manufacturing plastic products contamination may occur.
During the transport of material, for example, contamina-
tion can get into the plastic pellets (e.g. at the unloading
of the transport vehicles to the silo caused by dust or other
foreign objects). Commonly, manual samples are done be-
fore the material is further processed. However, the smal-
lest metallic or organic contamination from 50µm are not
visible to the naked eye. There are for example high de-
mands placed on purity in the area of injection molding as
well as the spraying nozzles can get clogged by contami-
nation, which causes high follow up costs. The PURITY
CONCEPT Systems provide an efficient solution for auto-
matic sample inspection at the incoming goods inspection
and ensure that only pure raw material gets into the next
production step and further processing.
Another area of application of the systems is the
analysis of defects or contamination. In combination with
an image processing software the PURITY CONCEPT Sys-
tems analyze and evaluate contaminated material on the
basis of statistical data and thus identify possible sources
for contamination. These information significantly contri-
bute to process optimization.
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