Extrusion 7/2016
ZEPHYR extruders are offered in four screws diameter with ma-
ximum output at 1.700 kg/h.
Further to the extruders Tecnomatic will also display multilayer
die-heads of the VENUS and ATHENA series. The VENUS MULTI
25O QUATTRO for the production of PE pipes up to 250 mm in
4 layers, with PAC system (Pipe Air Cooling), and ATHENA 5-
4O; an innovation to grant higher performance to the market
of Pe-x and Pe-rt pipe.
ATHENA heads are made with the addition of radial modules as
the number of layers to be produced. The radial distributors do
not have any dead zones or edges where material could stop
and grant an easy cleaning and rapid assembling/disassembling
operation. Radial spirals allow low-pressure losses and high fle-
xibility in terms of layers structure (thick or thin layers) and
number of layers, while their short flow path leads to reduced
residence time and rapid material and color changes.
In a market, which is always more and more looking for highly
innovative development, with respect to the growing improve-
ment of material properties, single-layer pipes are not always
Tecnomatic S.r.l.
Via Emilia, 4, 24052 Azzano S. Paolo, (Bergamo) Italy
www.tecnomaticsrl.netVENUS MULTI 250 QUATTRO – 4 layers
able to fulfil the necessary requirements. Tecnomatic has well
interpreted these customer needs and has developed, on the
basis of the VENUS concept, a full range of die-heads for the
production of 2, 3 or 4 layers polyolefin pipes even in big size.
A project in 1.200 mm three layers, carried out in 2013, is the
milestone of the multilayer production made by Tecnomatic.
The heart of the VENUS MULTI consists of innovative flow chan-
nels geometry, which has been calculated in consideration of
the current raw material PE 100 CR and PP. This geometry assu-
res the same behaviour for pressure and distribution of the melt
in all the pipe heads also at very high output rate.
The new feeding system of the spiral channels, as well as for
the matching ranges and the small die sets contributes to redu-
ce pressure. This influences remarkably energy consumption
during extrusion considering that approximately 5 to 10% of
the extruder power is necessary for the pumping capacity. Lo-
wer pressure also results in a lower increase of the melt tempe-
rature and with lower residence times assuring improved pipe’s
characteristics with regard to OIT (oxidation resistance) values,
extra weight and thermal and sheer stresses reduction.
VENUS MULTI die-heads can be endowed with two innovative
option units:
• The Pipe Air Cooling (PAC) – an efficient system to reduce
cooling length and improve pipe quality.
• The Venus Coex-Unit – a radial spiral technology for
additional (external) layer application.
Hall 16, Booth D05
ATHENA MULTI 5-40, for Pe-x and Pe-rt