19. - 26. Oktober 2016, Düsseldorf/Germany
www.k-online.deMOISTURE METER™
is an in-line resin
moisture analyzer. At Moretto’s booth
there will be a working display of the sys-
tem installed on a running injection
molding machine producing a standard
medical device. The MOISTURE METER™
project was started at Moretto six years
ago and is the culmination of the coope-
ration of two universities and an inde-
pendent research laboratory. Trial appli-
cations, at Moretto customer sites, have
been running for over one year and have
contributed to continued product deve-
lopment. Today, MOISTURE METER™ is
ready for wide sale distribution and K
will be an opportunity to announce it’s
global availability.
With this instrument it is possible to cer-
tify the production of plastic parts and
when installed directly on the processing
machine, measures the actual moisture
content of the plastic granules. No cali-
bration is required and it is only necessa-
ry to select the polymer, from an inclu-
ded materials database, to be treated
and MOISTURE METER™ will contin-
uously control the process with sampling
every 10 seconds. MOISTURE METER™
represents the missing link in the overall
drying process.
At this year’s show the Italian compa-
ny Moretto, a leader in automation tech-
nology for the plastics processing indus-
try, will present several exclusive solu-
tions: MOISTURE METER™, a resin mois-
ture analyzer; XD 10, a high perfor-
mance mini-dryer; DGM, a continuous
batch gravimetric dosing unit; and EXA,
a conveying system for up to six stations.
Several Exclusive Solutions
Complementing this innovative instru-
ment is also the availability for on-de-
mand analysis to produce reports on pro-
duction data by hour, minute, or, in the
case of single cavity mould production,
a report for every printed piece.
The instrument comes equipped with
Ethernet, USB, RS485 communication
ports and is compatible with the Moretto
Moretto Moisture Meter –
On the machine