Extrusion 7/2016
www.moretto.comK 2016: Hall 11, Booth H57
Moretto EXA
Mowis™ supervising system. With the
MOISTURE METER™ PLUS upgrade it is
also possible to control the dryer perfor-
mance by comparing the humidity from
the initial part of the process to the end
and automatically adjusting the dryer pa-
rameters to ensure optimal drying. This
concept creates a closed loop connecting
the material, dryer, process quality, and
plastic processing machine and resulting
in a condition that leads straight towards
: Moretto has one
of the broadest range of dryers available
on the market and, considering the
XMAX™ range, also the largest constant
performance drying systems. Now the
company, with over 10,000 Dry-Air™
minidryers sold, is expanding the num-
ber of these machines equipped with a
mini turbocharger and zeolite technolo-
gy. Similar to XMAX™ the XD10™ mini-
dryer, has an included turbocharger, de-
veloped in-house, capable of generating
the required air flow with a consumption
of only 60 Watts. This product guaran-
tees consistent performance and is
equipped with industry-leading features
including: dew point equalizer; variable
adaptive airflow; double turbine (process
and regeneration); and a color touch
view control. The XD10™ mini-dryer re-
presents a high performance mini-dryer
Moretto XD10
suitable for low production and pro-
cessing of techno-polymers.
After 16 years since the first DGM™ gra-
vimetric dosing units were first pro-
duced, Moretto now announces its latest
innovation. With more than 12,000 ma-
chines sold worldwide several new inno-
vations have been implemented to make
the machine even more functional and
precise. The beating heart of these
systems, the traditional double eyelid
shutter, is unchanged, featuring 25 milli-
seconds per batch, which is 10 times fas-
ter than the most accredited competi-
tors. DGM™ has a renewed chassis de-
sign particularly considering visibility to
the process. The machine has four open-
ing sides, featuring four transparent pa-
nels that provide unique visibility to the
dosing process. The internal parts of the
machine are illuminated with multicolor
LED lighting with four different colors to
signal the machine operating status. The
inclined mixer offers precision mixing
and emptying without stagnation. In ad-
dition, the mixer is weighed on a double
load cell to ensure precise weighing and
with the included totalizer function the
possibility to report the actual consump-
tion. This feature also allows for real-
time indication of material consumption
and transformation. With these innova-
tions the Moretto DGM™ series of dos-
ing units stand ready to accept the most
intensive applications.
EXA™ which is derived from the greek
letter “exi” , the perfect number, accord-
ing to mathematical principle,is a con-
veying system capable to manage up to
six receivers. It does not require a server
and it maintains all the ONE WIRE 3™
centralized system functions.
At the Moretto booth will also be dis-
• XMAX™: Innovative modular dryer
with consistent performance
• CROWN™: Totalizer for conveying
systems consumption
• OTX™: High energy efficiency hopper.
The “Original Thermal Exchange”
• ONE WIRE 6™: Wireless auto-adaptive
automatic conveying system
• MASTER 300™: Touch control for
centralized conveying systems
• KRYSTAL DVK™: High visibility, high-
precision master volumetric dosing
• TWP S™: 160°C pressurized water
temperature controller with high
pressure pump
Outside, It will be possible to visit Moret-
to’s 40 ton articulated lorry, Moretto in
Motion, a laboratory of ideas which con-
tain the latest news and innovations
from Moretto.